rsync not seeing file size difference
by road hazard from on (#6MNHV)
I have a movie on my server and this movie was backed up to the remote server with rsync. (rsync runs daily via cron job)
After a few days, I noticed that the movie I copied over originally didn't have an audio track so I deleted it and copied over the correct version to the main server again. As you can, my main server has the correct version but rsync isn't detecting a difference with this movie so the backup server still has the wrong version. Any idea why rsync isn't seeing the file size difference and triggering a copy? (Looks like it's only matching on file date and is ignoring the size difference.)
Movie on main server:
4689775625 May 4 2024 'Test video at the park 4K HDR (2024).mp4'
Movie on backup server: (that rsync isn't copying over)
3513504381 May 4 2024 'Test video at the park 4K HDR (2024).mp4'
Here's the rsync command I'm using:
Code:rsync -h --progress --stats -r -tgo -p -l -D --update --delete-after --delete-excluded --exclude=**/*tmp*/ --exclude=**/*cache*/ --exclude=**/*Cache*/ --exclude=**~ --exclude=/mnt/*/** --exclude=/media/*/** --exclude=**/lost+found*/ --exclude=/var/run/** --exclude=/run/** --exclude=/proc/** --exclude=/dev/** --exclude=/sys/** --exclude=**/*Trash*/ --exclude=**/*trash*/ --exclude=**/.gvfs/ --exclude=./ --protect-args /mnt/md0/
After a few days, I noticed that the movie I copied over originally didn't have an audio track so I deleted it and copied over the correct version to the main server again. As you can, my main server has the correct version but rsync isn't detecting a difference with this movie so the backup server still has the wrong version. Any idea why rsync isn't seeing the file size difference and triggering a copy? (Looks like it's only matching on file date and is ignoring the size difference.)
Movie on main server:
4689775625 May 4 2024 'Test video at the park 4K HDR (2024).mp4'
Movie on backup server: (that rsync isn't copying over)
3513504381 May 4 2024 'Test video at the park 4K HDR (2024).mp4'
Here's the rsync command I'm using:
Code:rsync -h --progress --stats -r -tgo -p -l -D --update --delete-after --delete-excluded --exclude=**/*tmp*/ --exclude=**/*cache*/ --exclude=**/*Cache*/ --exclude=**~ --exclude=/mnt/*/** --exclude=/media/*/** --exclude=**/lost+found*/ --exclude=/var/run/** --exclude=/run/** --exclude=/proc/** --exclude=/dev/** --exclude=/sys/** --exclude=**/*Trash*/ --exclude=**/*trash*/ --exclude=**/.gvfs/ --exclude=./ --protect-args /mnt/md0/