Article 6MQ5W The Guardian view on Israel’s far right: occupation of Palestinian territory feeds its extremism | Editorial

The Guardian view on Israel’s far right: occupation of Palestinian territory feeds its extremism | Editorial

from US news | The Guardian on (#6MQ5W)

Smarter sanctions must end the state sponsorship that allows settlements to grow and the political influence of religious zealots to flourish

Which country today brushes aside credible accusations of war crimes in a military campaign where its actions are under investigation for genocide? Which nation's political leadership endorses the illegal, violent expropriation of land and reduces its most steadfast friend - whose protection is vital to its survival - to threaten to withdraw support? Unfortunately, the answer is Israel, which has turned its unchecked anger on the Palestinians after Hamas massacred 1,200 of its citizens and took 253 others hostage. Revenge has led to an intensifying conflict with devastating consequences.

While the recent violence is unprecedented in its ferocity, Israel has had a history of rogue conduct. But a deeper crisis for the country lies beneath the defiance with which far-right Israeli cabinet members respond to Joe Biden's warning that the US would withhold arms should Israel invade Gaza's southernmost city, Rafah. There appear to be no limits to how far extremists in Israel will go in disregarding world opinion.

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