Article 6MTMS Are US campus protests antisemitic? Jewish students weigh in | Panel

Are US campus protests antisemitic? Jewish students weigh in | Panel

Theo Goldstine, Benjamin Kersten, Maya Ilany and M
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MTMS)

We asked Jewish students at US universities what they think about pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Our panel responds

I was in California for Passover when the encampment first came up. I was excited because I want to see an end to what Human Rights Watch calls a system of apartheid, which refers to the fact that there are over 65 laws discriminating against Palestinian citizens of Israel, roads in the West Bank are segregated, Israelis have civil law while Palestinians have military law, water allotment is unequal and so much more.

Theo Goldstine is an undergraduate at New York University studying international politics and computer science

Benjamin Kersten is a PhD candidate in art history at UCLA, a fellow at the Leve Center for Jewish Studies and a member of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) at UCLA

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