Article 6MTQQ I never thought of myself as shy. But there I was, all wibbly-wobbly in the legs as I waited to go on TV | Adrian Chiles

I never thought of myself as shy. But there I was, all wibbly-wobbly in the legs as I waited to go on TV | Adrian Chiles

Adrian Chiles
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MTQQ)

I discovered a new side of myself last week. And I didn't much enjoy it

I was given an award last week. It was a grand prix, if you don't mind, at the Croatian national tourist board's Golden Pen awards in Dubrovnik. The garland was hung around my neck for a thing I did about the island of Murter on Shaun Keaveny's BBC Radio 4 series Your Place or Mine. I'll spare you the humble stuff along the lines of: Aw, shucks. Me? Really?" This award was richly deserved - less for my contribution to Shaun's splendid show than for a lifetime spent using my privileged position in the British media to bang on about my mum's home country.

At the ceremony I was asked to appear live on Croatian television. I'd not been so nervous about anything in years. As we waited to go live, the interviewer, alarmed that I was deadly quiet, sweating profusely and all wibbly-wobbly about the legs, asked me if I was all right. Was it that I was more used to radio than television? I explained that I was terrified of making a fool of myself speaking publicly in such poor Croatian. But then the light went on and I babbled and burbled my way through it, and everyone seemed happy.

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