Article 6MTQR ‘I honest to God believe I was drugged’: magician David Copperfield’s alleged victims speak out

‘I honest to God believe I was drugged’: magician David Copperfield’s alleged victims speak out

Lucy Osborne and Stephanie Kirchgaessner
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MTQR)

The Guardian US investigated claims that the famed entertainer selected girls and women from his audiences and subjected them to sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior. Copperfield's lawyers say the allegations are false and entirely without foundation'

For two 15-year-old girls in the early 1990s, meeting David Copperfield, the world famous magician, seemed like the thrill of a lifetime.

Carla* says she remembers the way Copperfield gave her his phone number after a 1991 show in Georgia. About two years later in San Francisco, Lily* says, she felt giddy when the master illusionist picked her to join him on stage for a magic trick.

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