Article 6MV8A One year ago, a deadly boarding house fire shook New Zealand. We must prevent another tragedy

One year ago, a deadly boarding house fire shook New Zealand. We must prevent another tragedy

Max Rashbrooke
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MV8A)

The Loafers Lodge blaze prompted a review of safety standards at New Zealand's 800 boarding houses but more action is needed

One year ago, Wellington's mayor said her city had endured one of its darkest days" after a fire broke out at the Loafers Lodge boarding house, killing five people. On that day the air in New Zealand's capital filled with black smoke and soot, and the city later mourned the loss of some of its most vulnerable residents.

Twelve months on, not enough is being done to prevent another such tragedy, experts believe.

Max Rashbrooke is a New-Zealand-based writer with interests in economic inequality and democratic participation. He is a senior research fellow at Victoria University of Wellington.

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