Article 6MVDP Best podcasts of the week: The stone cold truth about the scandal that rocked curling

Best podcasts of the week: The stone cold truth about the scandal that rocked curling

Hollie Richardson, Hannah Verdier, Ellen E Jones a
from Technology | The Guardian on (#6MVDP)

How can one broom tear apart a Canadian curling community? John Cullen investigates in Broomgate. Plus: five of the best post-apocalyptic podcasts

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Never before has a broom been responsible for so much scandal - in 2015, the Canadian curling community was rocked by a team that used one instead of two. To not have the other person out front cleaning in a frosty situation doesn't make sense," said one shocked commentator. The full story has never been told, so comedian and curling geek John Cullen investigates the switch to the super broom" that caused a furore. Hannah Verdier

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