Article 6MVQ3 When you stand side by side at the dog park, you can reveal your true selves – but not your names | Melanie Tait

When you stand side by side at the dog park, you can reveal your true selves – but not your names | Melanie Tait

Melanie Tait
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MVQ3)

Pet owners know what it's like to form long-lasting connections with complete strangers, but remember: what's said at the dog park stays at the dog park

There's a universal truth about dog parks: if you go to one regularly enough you'll find out people's deepest secrets even though you'll probably never know their name.

The morning I was about to drive my packed car and two dogs away from our life in Hobart, I took Mabel and Goldie for their last run on the part of the beach near our house that was designated to make the lives of our canine pals joyous: the most beautiful dog park in the world.

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