Article 6MWDY I’ve never felt more disillusioned as a Palestinian | Ahmad Ibsais

I’ve never felt more disillusioned as a Palestinian | Ahmad Ibsais

Ahmad Ibsais
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MWDY)

My classmates and school at large, like most of the west, see the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians as a far-removed problem

There has always been trauma involved in being a Palestinian. When I was only 13 years old, I saw my people in Gaza slaughtered by 150 occupation shells on evening news, as if our death was casual, replaced a few days later by false ideas of peace talks". And, now, for the past seven months, that trauma has been overwhelming: we've seen more than 30,000 Palestinians, 14,000 children, slaughtered, with world governments, especially my own US government, not only excusing this onslaught but actively enabling and funding Palestinian death.

However, if you were to turn on the news we are bombarded with coverage of the Met Gala and other inanities. The media, and western world at large, fawns over the costumes draped over an evening of celebrity gossip, with no mention of the 200 Palestinians murdered every day.

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