Article 6MX8T What would Steve Jobs think of Apple’s culture-crushing advert? | John Naughton

What would Steve Jobs think of Apple’s culture-crushing advert? | John Naughton

John Naughton
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MX8T)

Its latest iPad ad, portraying the destruction of artistic tools, is confirmation that company is just another unfeeling, arrogant tech giant

This is a tale of two advertisements. And about the company that made them - Apple Inc. The first ad ran during the Super Bowl in 1984. It was made by Ridley Scott, the celebrated movie director. The vibe is distinctly Orwellian: set in a vast, darkened auditorium dominated by a giant screen entirely filled by a sinister-looking talking head, who is clearly Big Brother (BB).

The opening shot shows lines of drably uniformed, shaven-headed zombies marching in lock-step into the building. Today," intones the talking head, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the information purification directives."

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