Article 6MZA6 ‘P-22’s spirit’: new mountain lion seen in LA over a year after celebrity cougar’s death

‘P-22’s spirit’: new mountain lion seen in LA over a year after celebrity cougar’s death

Katharine Gammon
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MZA6)

Animal spotted in Griffith Park, where Brad Pitt of mountain lions' P-22 lived, bringing excitement at possibility of a new cat in area

It's been more than a year since the death of P-22, a beloved Los Angeles cougar known as the Brad Pitt of mountain lions" whose passing inspired murals, songs and celebrations across the city.

P-22, who was euthanized in December 2022 due to health issues, was the only known big cat living in the city's famed Griffith Park. So when residents spied an unidentified mountain lion in the park last week, people were abuzz with excitement at the possibility of another cat, probably a young male, making a home in the area.

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