Article 6MZT4 Secure cages and Swat teams: Arizona county’s drastic steps to protect the vote

Secure cages and Swat teams: Arizona county’s drastic steps to protect the vote

Piper Vaughn
from US news | The Guardian on (#6MZT4)

Extraordinary measures turn Maricopa county elections office into fortress ahead of 2024 vote to protect staff and ballots

Maricopa county, Arizona - a campaign battleground where election workers have faced violent threats - has taken extraordinary measures to protect its staff and the counting of ballots.

The Guardian obtained a document from the county listing security changes it has made since the 2020 election. Those include stationing a Swat team on-site at the main building where votes are tabulated and deploying the sheriff on horseback.

This story has been updated with new information from Maricopa officials about how many people can access the tabulation and server rooms.

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