Security updates for Thursday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (chromium), Fedora (chromium, libxml2, pgadmin4, and python-libgravatar), Mageia (ghostscript), Red Hat (389-ds:1.4, ansible-core, bind and dhcp, container-tools:rhel8, edk2, exempi, fence-agents, freeglut, frr, ghostscript, glibc, gmp, go-toolset:rhel8, grafana, grub2, gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free, gstreamer1-plugins-base, gstreamer1-plugins-good, harfbuzz, httpd:2.4, idm:DL1, idm:DL1 and idm:client modules, kernel, kernel-rt, krb5, LibRaw, libreoffice, libsndfile, libssh, libtiff, libX11, libxml2, libXpm, linux-firmware, motif, mutt, openssh, osbuild and osbuild-composer, pam, pcp, pcs, perl-Convert-ASN1, perl-CPAN, perl:5.32, pki-core:10.6 and pki-deps:10.6 modules, pmix, poppler, postgresql-jdbc, python-dns, python-jinja2, python-pillow, python27:2.7, python3.11, python3.11-cryptography, python3.11-urllib3, python39:3.9 and python39-devel:3.9 modules, qt5-qtbase, resource-agents, squashfs-tools, sssd, systemd, tigervnc, tomcat, traceroute, varnish:6, virt:rhel and virt-devel:rhel modules, vorbis-tools, webkit2gtk3, xorg-x11-server, xorg-x11-server-Xwayland, and zziplib), SUSE (chromium, perl, postgresql14, and python-sqlparse), and Ubuntu (klibc, linux-aws-hwe, openssl, and vlc).