Article 6N1K2 It’s an open secret: the UAE is fuelling Sudan’s war – and there’ll be no peace until we call it out | Husam Mahjoub

It’s an open secret: the UAE is fuelling Sudan’s war – and there’ll be no peace until we call it out | Husam Mahjoub

Husam Mahjoub
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N1K2)

The Emirates is arming and supporting one side in the conflict, but UK and US officials have shied from confronting it

The war in Sudan has become one of the worst ongoing humanitarian crises in the world. In a little over a year of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), there have been 6.8 million people internally displaced, 2 million fleeing the country, and 24.8 million, almost half the population, in dire need of humanitarian assistance.

The United Arab Emirates is the foreign player most invested in the war. In fact, without its direct and all-around support, the RSF would not have been able to wage war to the same extent.

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