Article 6N28T Kelly Rowland’s Cannes slight is typical to Black women in entertainment | Tayo Bero

Kelly Rowland’s Cannes slight is typical to Black women in entertainment | Tayo Bero

Tayo Bero
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N28T)

The Grammy-winning singer suffered an ugly incident with a security guard - but Rowland stood her ground. Good for her

Kelly Rowland is holding her own after she was filmed calling out a security guard who disrespected her as she posed for photos at the Cannes film festival earlier this week.

In the video, you can see the security guard rush the Grammy-winning singer off the steps, blocking photographers' view of Rowland while speaking to her in a way to which Rowland clearly took objection. The singer initially appears to engage with the security guard calmly, placing a hand on the security guard's arm after she apologized for stepping on Rowland's dress. A verbal back-and-forth ensues and then, it appears, Rowland had enough.

Tayo Bero is a Guardian US columnist

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