Article 6N35H The US attempt to ban TikTok is an attack on ideas and hope | Dominic Andre

The US attempt to ban TikTok is an attack on ideas and hope | Dominic Andre

Dominic Andre
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N35H)

A TikTok ban threatens to destroy millions of jobs and silence diverse voices. It would change the world for the worse

I'm a TikTok creator. I've used TikTok to build a multimillion dollar business, focused on sharing interesting things I've learned in life and throughout my years in college. TikTok allowed me to create a community and help further my goal of educating the public. I always feared that one day, it would be threatened. And now, it's happening.

Why does the US government want to ban TikTok? The reasons given include TikTok's foreign ownership and its addictive" nature, but I suspect that part of the reason is that the app primarily appeals to younger generations who often hold political and moral views that differ significantly from those of older generations, including many of today's politicians.

Dominic Andre is a content creator and the CEO of The Lab

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