Article 6N3GH Biden honors troops on Memorial Day as Trump lashes out at his ‘human scum’ enemies

Biden honors troops on Memorial Day as Trump lashes out at his ‘human scum’ enemies

Robert Tait in Washington
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N3GH)

In divergent messages, president pays tribute to fallen heroes, while Trump fulminates on social media against opponents

Joe Biden and Donald Trump marked the Memorial Day national holiday honoring America's war dead with jarringly divergent messages that promised to foretell the forthcoming US presidential election campaign as a contest of sharply contrasting characters.

In a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, Biden paid tribute to the fallen as heroes who sacrificed themselves in the service of American democracy and ideals. Meanwhile, Trump, taking to his Truth Social site, took a very different tack - bestowing holiday wishes on those he branded human scum" and accused them of trying to destroy the country.

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