Article 6N4K6 By attacking and undermining the ICC, Israel has proved again it is a state gone rogue | Simon Tisdall

By attacking and undermining the ICC, Israel has proved again it is a state gone rogue | Simon Tisdall

Simon Tisdall
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N4K6)

Benjamin Netanyahu and his associates are already doubling down against these allegations. They must be made to answer them

Israel's international isolation, triggered by revulsion over the large-scale illegal killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, will only deepen following new, detailed and credible allegations that leading politicians and intelligence agencies conspired - with help from Donald Trump's administration - to spy on, undermine, improperly influence" and threaten the work and officials of the international criminal court (ICC).

Those allegedly targeted include the court's former chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, and the present incumbent, Karim Khan, possibly still the subject of covert operations. If so, this must cease immediately. Once again, the world is confronted by dismaying evidence that the state of Israel under the destructive leadership of its rightwing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has gone rogue.

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