Article 6N4Q0 Smoking weed every day makes me less presentable and less productive. I love it

Smoking weed every day makes me less presentable and less productive. I love it

from US news | The Guardian on (#6N4Q0)

Every morning, I put on some coffee and finish last night's joint. It keeps me comfortable, cuts my anxiety and boosts my appetite

When the pandemic came, I moved back in with my parents in Los Angeles. It was extremely boring. One night we had completely run out of things to do so they decided to go to a local dispensary and pick up. Obviously weed is legal in California, and they'd never tried it before, so they were like: Well, why not!"

They came back with some pre-rolled joints, which I found really endearing. I come from a Reform Jewish California family, so it almost felt cultural for all of us to be smoking weed together. It's what I imagine Seth Rogen does when he goes home to visit his parents.

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