Article 6N501 Republican activist with ties to DeSantis and Rubio indicted over January 6

Republican activist with ties to DeSantis and Rubio indicted over January 6

Robert Tait in Washington
from US news | The Guardian on (#6N501)

Barbara Balmaseda, 23, charged with five counts after FBI investigation identifies her at riot alongside Proud Boys

A Republican activist with links to Florida's Republican senator, Marco Rubio, and its governor, Ron DeSantis, has been indicted on charges relating to the 6 January 2021 storming of the US Capitol in a bid to overturn Joe Biden's presidential election victory.

Barbara Balmaseda, 23, has been charged with five counts of being involved in the riot, including obstructing an official proceeding, knowingly entering and remaining in a restricted building, and engaging in disorderly conduct with intent to impede a session of Congress.

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