Security advisories for Wednesday
Arch Linux has updated ntp (two vulnerabilities).
CentOS has updated kernel (C5: multiple vulnerabilities).
Debian has updated libxml2 (denial of service).
Fedora has updated setroubleshoot (F21; F20:privilege escalation) and texlive (F21: arbitrary file removal).
openSUSE has updated Chromium(13.2, 13.1: two vulnerabilities), libgit2(13.2, 13.1: code execution), firefox,thunderbird (13.2, 13.1: multiple vulnerabilities), php5 (13.2, 13.1: multiple vulnerabilities),potrace (13.2, 13.1: denial of service), quassel (13.2, 13.1: denial of service), andsubversion (13.2, 13.1: multiple vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated kernel(RHEL5: multiple vulnerabilities), novnc(RHEL OSP6.0: VNC session hijacking), openstack-nova (RHEL OSP6.0: cross-sitewebsocket hijack attack), openstack-packstack (RHEL OSP6.0: rootcommand execution), and installer(RHEL OSP6.0: root command execution).
Scientific Linux has updated kernel (C5: multiple vulnerabilities).
SUSE has updated xorg-x11-libs(SLE11 SP3: privilege escalation).
Ubuntu has updated libtasn1-3,libtasn1-6 (14.10, 14.04, 12.04, 10.04: denial of service) and mailman (14.10, 14.04, 12.04: path traversal attack).