Article 6Q3NQ Sorry, red wine drinkers: alcohol is only ever bad for your health | Devi Sridhar

Sorry, red wine drinkers: alcohol is only ever bad for your health | Devi Sridhar

Devi Sridhar
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q3NQ)

We needn't be puritanical about having a drink, but we can no longer deny that it harms us, even in small quantities

To say yes to that glass of wine or beer, or just get a juice? That's the question many people face when they're at after-work drinks, relaxing on a Friday night, or at the supermarket thinking about what to pick up for the weekend. I'm not here to opine on the philosophy of drinking, and how much you should drink is a question only you can answer. But it's worth highlighting the updated advice from key health authorities on alcohol. Perhaps it will swing you one way or the other.

It's well-known that binge-drinking is harmful, but what about light to moderate drinking? In January 2023, the World Health Organization came out with a strong statement: there is no safe level of drinking for health. The agency highlighted that alcohol causes at least seven types of cancer, including breast cancer, and that ethanol (alcohol) directly causes cancer when our cells break it down.

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