Article 6Q47D Trump attacks Kamala Harris and ‘Marxist left’ in speech to police

Trump attacks Kamala Harris and ‘Marxist left’ in speech to police

Chris McGreal
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q47D)

Ex-president falsely claims US is in grip of violent crime wave, and vows to shield officers from legal accountability

Donald Trump has pledged to shield police officers from legal accountability if he is re-elected as president after falsely claiming the US is in the grip of a wave of violent crime that he blamed on the Black Lives Matter movement and people crossing the Mexican border.

Speaking to police officers in Michigan on Tuesday, the former president sought to pin responsibility for the imagined crisis on his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, whom he characterised as among Marxist district attorneys" with a record of being anti-police and pro-criminal during her term as the district attorney in San Francisco in the 2000s.

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