Article 6Q5GH ‘She may be family, but we need to hold her accountable’: Howard students cautiously excited by Kamala Harris

‘She may be family, but we need to hold her accountable’: Howard students cautiously excited by Kamala Harris

Melissa Hellmann
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q5GH)

Students at the vice-president's alma mater express pride and hope, but say Harris still needs to earn their support

On Tuesday, day two of the Democratic national convention in Chicago, Howard University, in Washington DC, was abuzz with students excited about alumna Kamala Harris's presidential candidacy. The Guardian spoke to several students who expressed pride that one of their own may assume the highest office, which they hoped would shine a light on historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). Others emphasized the need to hold Harris accountable on Gaza policy, as well as on issues that affect Black communities, such as overpolicing and high maternal death rates.

I was pretty happy to not only be a Howard student, but to be Black as well," Shondo Green, a 20-year-old biology major, said about Harris's nomination. The general sentiment on campus since classes started on Monday has been uplifting - everyone is smiling, he said. There's something different about this year compared to my previous two years. There's something in the air."

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