Article 6Q6BK Georgia election deniers helped pass new laws. Many worry it’ll lead to chaos in November

Georgia election deniers helped pass new laws. Many worry it’ll lead to chaos in November

Sam Levine in New York
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q6BK)

Local boards can conduct an inquiry for results, and ballots might be hand-counted, which experts warn is unreliable

Conservative activists in Georgia have worked with prominent election deniers to pass a series of significant changes to the procedures for counting ballots in recent weeks, raising alarm about the potential for confusion and interference in the election certification process in a key swing state this fall.

Since the beginning of August, the five-member state election board has adopted rules that allow local election boards to conduct a reasonable inquiry" into election results before they are certified, and to allow any local election board member to examine all election related documentation created during the conduct of elections prior to certification of results". The same rule also requires local boards to reconcile any discrepancies between the total number of ballots cast and the number of voters who check in. If it can't reconcile the numbers, the board is authorized to come up with a way to figure out which votes count and which do not.

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