Article 6QFCS Clarence Thomas’s wife thanks group for efforts to block court ethics reforms

Clarence Thomas’s wife thanks group for efforts to block court ethics reforms

Ed Pilkington
from US news | The Guardian on (#6QFCS)

Ginni Thomas writes thank you so, so, so much' to group for fighting effort to rein in wayward supreme court justices

Ginni Thomas, the far-right activist wife of the supreme court justice Clarence Thomas, has thanked a religious liberties group for its efforts to block reforms of the court aimed at reining in the justices' ethical breaches, including those of her husband.

A new recording obtained by the investigative website ProPublica and the watchdog Documented discloses a July email in which Ginni Thomas thanked First Liberty Institute for fighting to oppose supreme court reforms. She specifically referred to White House proposals from Joe Biden designed to rein in wayward justices on the country's highest court, of which her husband is the prime example.

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