Article 6QG32 NFL 2024 season predictions: can the Kansas City Chiefs pull off an unprecedented three-peat?

NFL 2024 season predictions: can the Kansas City Chiefs pull off an unprecedented three-peat?

Dave Caldwell, Oliver Connolly, Melissa Jacobs and
from US news | The Guardian on (#6QG32)

The NFL season kicks off on Thursday night. Which rookies will impress? Will Aaron Rodgers make it out of the first quarter? And who will win it all?

Who else? Patrick Mahomes, pretty much like he has been the last five seasons, will be the NFL's main focal point. Mahomes, entering his eighth NFL season, has led the Chiefs to three Super Bowl victories and another AFC title, and he won't turn 29 until next month. He is prolific, intelligent, inventive - and, as important, durable. Dave Caldwell

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