Article 6TESE RSA security in light of news

RSA security in light of news

from John D. Cook on (#6TESE)

A recent article reported on the successful factoring of a 512-bit RSA key. The process took $8 worth of rented computing power. What does that say about the security of RSA encryption?

The following Python function estimates the computation steps required to factor a number b bits long using the best known algorithm. We're going to take a ratio of two such estimates, so proportionality constants will cancel.

def f(b): logn = b*log(2) return exp((8/3)**(2/3) * logn**(1/3) * (log(logn))**(2/3))

The minimum recommended RSA key size is 2048 bits. The cost ratio for factoring a 2048 bit key to a 512 bit key is f(2048) / f(512), which is on the order of 1016. So factoring a 2048-bit key would take 80 quadrillion dollars.

This is sort of a back-of-the-envelope estimate. There things it doesn't take into account. If a sophisticated and highly determined entity wanted to factor a 2048 number, they could probably do so for less than 80 quadrillion dollars. But it's safe to say that the people who factored the 512 bit key are unlikely to factor a 2048 bit key by the same approach.

The post RSA security in light of news first appeared on John D. Cook.
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