Article 6VQ1J A Documentary About the Artists Who Built a Secret Apartment Inside of a Rhode Island Mall

A Documentary About the Artists Who Built a Secret Apartment Inside of a Rhode Island Mall

Lori Dorn
from Laughing Squid on (#6VQ1J)
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Secret Mall Apartment is a documentary about the eight pioneering artists known asTrummerkind, whosecretly built and furnished a 750 square-foot windowless studio apartmentinside theProvidence Place Mall by using the unused space between store walls.

ArtistMichael Townsend lost his home due to the construction of the mall and founded the project. The apartment lasted an amazing four years, from 2003 to 2007. The artists tell their incredible tale 17 years after the apartment was discovered and destroyed.

In 2003, eight young Rhode Islanders created a secret apartment in a hidden space inside the Providence Place Mall and lived in it for four years, filming everything along the way. Far more than just a wild prank, the secret apartment became a deeply meaningful place for all its inhabitants - a personal expression of defiance against local gentrification, a clubhouse to coordinate their artistic charity, and finally, a 750 square foot space that sticks it to the man!

The film, which was directed by Jeremy Workman with Jesse Eisenberg onboard as Executive Producer, is premiering in theaters on March 21, 2025.

Opens in select theaters starting MARCH 21, 2025

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