Tuesday's security updates
CentOS has updated httpd (C6:denial of service) and nss (C5: two vulnerabilities).
Oracle has updated httpd (OL7; OL6:denial of service), mariadb (OL7: multipleunspecified vulnerabilities), and nss (OL5:two vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated httpd (RHEL7; RHEL6:HTTP request smuggling), httpd24-httpd(RHSCL2: multiple vulnerabilities), libunwind (RHELOSP6: buffer overflow), mariadb (RHEL7: multiple vulnerabilities), nss (RHEL5: two vulnerabilities), openstack-neutron (RHELOSP6: denial ofservice), openstack-swift (RHELOSP6;RHELOSP5: arbitrary object deletion),python-django (RHELOSP6; RHELOSP5: denial of service), python-django-horizon (RHELOSP6: cross-sitescripting), python-keystoneclient (RHELOSP6; RHELOSP5:two vulnerabilities), qemu-kvm-rhev (RHELOSP6; RHELOSP5:information leak), redis (RHELOSP6: codeexecution), and thunderbird (RHEL5,6,7: multiple vulnerabilities).
Scientific Linux has updated httpd (SL7; SL6:denial of service), mariadb (SL7: multiplevulnerabilities), nss (SL5: twovulnerabilities), and thunderbird (SL5,6,7:multiple vulnerabilities).
Ubuntu has updated thunderbird(15.04, 14.04, 12.04: multiple vulnerabilities).