$10 smartphone sucks
Ron Amadeo has Walmart's $10 smartphone, the LG Sunrise. It's shit. And yet"
The specs look like something out of 2007: a 3.8-inch 480i-320 display, a dual core, 1.2GHz Snapdragon 200, 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage, and a 3MP camera. Everything here aims to fits the most basic definition of each component rather than living up to any kind of performance standard. The camera, for instance, technically records some kind of image based on the light that enters the lens" But hey, it's $10! You've got to lower your standards appropriately. If your other option is nothing, there is actually a lot the Sunrise can offer: It can boot and show the Android desktop. If you tap the screen, something (eventually) happens
It's $20 now that Black Friday sales are over, too. One obvious use for it might be as a cheap dashcam-alas, the camera seems to be the worst thing about it.
LG Sunrise [Walmart]