Comment 1VKQP Re: Always have to ask yourself


California bill will cut greenhouse emissions from cows


Always have to ask yourself (Score: 1)

by on 2016-09-21 22:20 (#1VJ8F)

Who stands to profit from this? Who were the corporate sponsors for the legislators that put this through the state house in order for Brown to sign? Could it be the vendor that wants to produce the methane digesters the one that greased the palms, or was it the industrialized dairy lobby seeking to edge out the last of the family-farm type producers?

Of course, any real line of inquiry as to the actual motivations of who produced this legislation will be met with 'why do you hate the environment so much'.

Re: Always have to ask yourself (Score: 1)

by on 2016-09-22 10:08 (#1VKQP)

Who were the corporate sponsors for the legislators that put this through the state house in order for Brown to sign?
If you've got any facts to that effect, I'd love to hear it. However I don't see any use in vague speculation about possible sinister motives and actors...

The interested parties listed in the articles are environmental groups pushing for STRONGER restrictions, and dairy farming groups pushing back, which seems obvious. The sponsor of the bill happens to be a gay Hispanic man (whose parents were illegal immigrants), representing a depressed corner of Los Angeles (which notably lacks cows), and who doesn't appear to be getting significant money from any organizations that might be interested in this bill.

Even if some ulterior motives were involved, the law can still be evaluated on its face without worrying too much about those side-concerns.

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