Comment 2DJ Re: Been looking or a replacement since the design change


Firefox usage slipping fast


Been looking or a replacement since the design change (Score: 1)

by on 2014-07-09 20:30 (#2DF)

Ever since the update which added the menu button at the right, I've been meaning to make the switch to another browser. The seamonkey project looked interesting, but they're integrating browsing with email, and I'd rather keep things seperate. Anyone had luck finding a good replacement? I only care about speed, compatibility with web standards and ad-blocking. And an interface that doesn't suck, I guess, but that's pretty much the easiest thing to get right.

Re: Been looking or a replacement since the design change (Score: 4, Informative)

by on 2014-07-09 21:58 (#2DJ)

Have you tried Pale Moon? It started off as a Windows-optimized version of Firefox, but is developing into its own fork, as the devs increasingly reject the annoying UI changes in Firefox. The community has recently ported it to Linux, and, as it is firefox-based all of my favorite extensions work with it.


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-07-10 00:17 Informative +1
2014-07-10 03:40 Informative +1
2014-07-09 22:21 Informative +1

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