Comment 2SFZ New form of life...


Confirmed: Microbial life found half mile below Antarctic ice sheet


New form of life... (Score: 3, Interesting)

by on 2014-09-17 04:21 (#2SFZ)

Most fascinating is the energy source different from anything else believed to exist. Life was first thought to depend entirely on sunlight, then creatures living near submarine volcanic vents were discovered, and those were thought to be the only two sources.

Now we've got a 3rd completely new form... Living off of minerals floating in the water, with no sources of geothermal heat nor sunlight at all. And not just a few hardy bacteria struggling to survive, but an extensive ecosystem as densely populated as tropical waterways.


Time Reason Points Voter
2014-09-17 11:02 Interesting +1
2014-09-17 10:43 Interesting +1

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