Comment 2WMZ Does not work


California becomes first state to ban plastic bags, manufacturers fight law


Does not work (Score: 2, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-01-03 01:09 (#2WMZ)

We have had a state ban here for years. Same rules as in TFA. It sucks. Just does not work. Most people buy the thick "multi use" bags which are generally not multi use unless you take very good care of them. Some people take their cloth bags back to the shops. Most of the thick plastic bags are thrown away. Case in point: Every second week or so for two years they ran out of thick bags. Yes. Imagine that. Thousands of people with no bags to put their groceries in. There are no big paper bags here. It sucks. Some people drive 25 mins away to Qnbyn just to shop. I, like most people, just pay the 15c per bag "shopping tax".


Time Reason Points Voter
2015-01-06 09:24 Informative +1
2015-01-16 07:19 Informative +1

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