Comment 3Y7 Re: a swamp of reality tv shows


The cable guys have now become the internet guys


a swamp of reality tv shows (Score: 1)

by on 2014-08-17 20:41 (#3XX)

This might have something to do with it:

I was just in Miami at a friend's place; he's got DishTV with hundreds and hundreds of channels. And we had one hell of a hard time finding a single thing worth watching. Ridiculous.

Re: a swamp of reality tv shows (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2014-08-17 21:55 (#3Y7)

But that's what I mean about finding a decent niche channel and leaving it on. That simple pleasure is actively denied by the always-creeping generalization of channels (which is what I assume your link is about without RTFA). Before it turned into the freaking reality TV gameshow network, you could leave Food Network on all day and learn about cooking or simply enjoy it in the background. You can still get away with leaving on cartoon channels and some niche rerun channels.

But yeah ever since MTV decided to hate its own reason for existence, turning every channel to undistinguished crap has been the TV executive's primary mission. So serendipity is harder and harder to come by.

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