Comment 945Q Re: not enough to matter


Verizon, Sprint customers to get refunds for fraudulent "cramming" charges


not enough to matter (Score: 3, Insightful)

by on 2015-05-14 17:24 (#922F)

if you want a punishment to have a lasting effect, you have to actually charge people with a crime. start putting executives in jail and you might see companies stop trying to pull this crap. short of that, the fine has to be crushing. seriously, $150M is written off as a cost of business expense. hit them with a $150B fine and you will get real change.

Re: not enough to matter (Score: 1)

by on 2015-05-15 15:25 (#945Q)

150 Million is enough to catch any businesses attention, 150 Billion can't be covered without destroying any business I know of, including big oil and Apple.

The goal - they're going to have to justify a lack of 150 Million in value to their stock holders.Start threatening Sprint with having to explain their spastic coverage and Verizon with their data-caps that keep subscribers away in the package and everything should be good.

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