I don't get it? (Score: 1) by kwerle@pipedot.org on 2015-09-24 15:00 (#NEES) Help me out. Google doesn't ship phones, right? And Android is open source, so whoever ships phones could use Yandex if the wanted, couldn't they? Re: I don't get it? (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-25 06:45 (#NGNC) As I remember it, the vendor can't install appstore unless the device conforms to Google's standards. This includes installing a lot of things Google wants them to. I don't know whether Google Maps is one of the mandatory packages. I think only the base OS is open source, linux and the java libraries. The rest, like the keyboard app etc. are closed source.
Re: I don't get it? (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-25 06:45 (#NGNC) As I remember it, the vendor can't install appstore unless the device conforms to Google's standards. This includes installing a lot of things Google wants them to. I don't know whether Google Maps is one of the mandatory packages. I think only the base OS is open source, linux and the java libraries. The rest, like the keyboard app etc. are closed source.