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Updated 2024-05-09 17:16
Grrl Power #918 – Ghost fight!
I didn’t really have any idea how this fight was going to end when I introduced HenchWench, but a lot of you were like “Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if…” and I agreed. So yeah, I’m super telegraphing the next[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #917 – Tata karate
To be honest, I’m not sure how that rebar got through Henchwench’s leg, if Brüt’s knee could take Maxima’s .557 round. I will say though, Max wasn’t using an armor piercing Tyrannosaur round. She knows she’s not Archon’s best shot,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #916 – Bad faith
I think Henchwench is trying to vie with Lorlara for second place in the crazy face competition. Sydney is obviously unassailable at number 1. I assume her contract has a section about how you can’t sue her for tricking you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #915 – Queue the lengthy exit interview scene
The extended fight scene that took place while Brüt made his calls did involve some attempts at tickling. Is Henchwench super crazy ticklish? I’d like to think so. This fight has been going on for a while. Brüt didn’t fare[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #914 – Power stunts 201, with Prof. Scoville
For some reason I think things from space named “Space XYZ” or “Astro ABC” is really funny. Astro bucks, Space Hookers, Galactic Lunch. It’s so dumb and generic and pointless. It’s like reminding everyone that a bunch of races have[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #913 – The purge
Yes, the clean spot was in an adjacent room. Honestly I think this page is grosser than the previous one. Especially the mid-sentence burps, and the non-pictured (you’re welcome) strings of gorgy drool that follow them. So yeah, as I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #912 – Maximum trauma!
Well that seemed to have shut Sydney up. There were a few comments on the previous page about how that guy’s arm will be useless now. You were correct. So yeah. I expect some, heh, mixed reactions to today’s comic,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #911 – The luxurious backhand
Sydney’s reaction legitimately started off as a runaway interaction between the serum and her ADHD, but did morph into an intentional stalling tactic. This dude in the mask is a dick for aiming a gun at Sydney, but he’s hardly[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #910 – Jabber blabber
When I sit down to write a page, I know basically what I want to happen on it, and have a general idea of what the dialog will be. It takes some time to actually compose it and sort it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #909 – Making soup AND having kids?
Guys, the more I write about Alari society, the more I like them. Not like. What’s the word? Hate. But also like. I hake them. They make me laugh, anyway, and that’s what’s important. But on a serious note, why[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #908 – Bombast industrial complex
Ok, so that last panel, hopefully you can tell what’s happening there, but it’s a little small. I should have zoomed in more on Cora’s eyes. Basically she’d getting an alert. I think a lot of you have guessed the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #907 – Ménage à deux et demi
Hey it’s another patented Grrl Power action sequence with 11 panels on a page. I await my Eisner nomination. For those of you wondering about the comic making process, the transcript for this page includes the word “meatwench” to distinguish[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #906 – Lesmad
If someone tied Maxima to train tracks, the train would be the one in danger. Fortunately the language Ray and Cora are speaking has a perfect analog to the English word “Damsel” with the same connotations. I guess there are[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #905 – Imaginary gopher
Sydney really is talking to someone. She’s thought about what she’d do in a situation like this and is being weirdly convincing about it. She’s cracking under the stress, despite putting on a collected front, and really thinks she’s talking[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #904 – A fob carrying bad guy
Here’s a cheery page for Xmas eve, eh? Can you just feel the spirit? So, presumably, Concretia knows where her body is. Like, she can home in on it. Now that she has rock-kinesis, keeping her away from herself would[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #903 – Sole searching
While I was drawing the “vibration propagation” sequence, I couldn’t get the Aquaman “Loobloobloobloobloob” noise out of my head. Hopefully I’ve gotten it stuck in your heads for at least a few minutes. I haven’t decided if Concritia can straight[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #902 – No accounting for lack of taste
I apologize for the multiple puns in the stinger. Except I don’t, because I laughed out loud when I thought of it. I try not to write Sydney as a stereotypical “A-Cup Angst” type. Sure, she has a lot of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #901 – Apparently you can stop the rock
I know, Sydney asking if Concretia can do marble lends credence to the suspicion that she is or is related to the Marble Maiden, referenced around… uh… hmm. I don’t actually recall. At some point early in the comic. I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #900 – Recapitation
Something something Cyberpunk… I played a little bit of it last night. I think I’m still firmly in the opening tutorial bit. I haven’t even done a “Upgrade your cybernetics” bit yet, but I’ve shot some people and been driven[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #899 – Throne bound
So it seems obvious that someone has really studied every piece of footage with Sydney interacting with her orbs. Really, the game was given away in the bank parking lot. Well, most of the game. Mysteries still abound. You know,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #898 – Ball jail
I know, this seems kind of ultra hard core for Sydney – stuffing a pistol in someone’s mouth and doing her best to empty the magazine. In her defense, she immediately recognized Concretia when she turned around. She knew this[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #897 – Hide and go document
Sydney has lost enough things to realize that when she comes back looking for the stasis pod, that “all those skyscrapers kind of look alike.” Sure, the tarps and the scaffolding make it more memorable than the other skyscrapers in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #896 – Vive le testicules!
Enjoy this comic while having a happy Thanksgiving if you’re in a country that does that on this day and also if you’re so inclined. If not, then simply enjoy this comic, and bank my well wishes for the regional[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #895 – Fine print, bitches!
Apparently Hench Wench got her gorge under control. It’s been suggested that Hench Wench’s day job is a contract attorney. Makes sense to me. I don’t know if LLCs have officers or are referred to as charters. I did a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #894 – Plan B from outer space
Okay, so I’m making fun of myself a little with this page. My actions scenes aren’t ever going down in the annals of comic book history for their intensity. There’s a lot of starting and stopping. Personally I think mid-combat[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #893 – I’ma punch you so hard…
I would apologize for this page, but the middle two panels make me laugh every time. People talk a bit talk about sticking a boot up someone’s ass so far they can taste leather, but you know what, if they[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #892 – The most valuable hostage
For the record, I think Muppets were primarily felt overtop of foam, but I could be wrong about that. I’m sure this is not recognized police procedure, but it turns out that blowing off Maxima’s clothes is a good way[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #891 – Enter the Wench! (Not that way, pervs)
Before anyone asks, “All of whose powers?”, that is the first line on the next page. My first question is, how did she discover this powerset? Did she get a summer job at a home and garden shop that just[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #890 – On brand
Maxima wearing “goldenrod” underwear is the same thing as a white woman wearing beige undies. It’s an attempt to make the underwear invisible if their shirt is too sheer. It’s certainly not to look good. A beige bra is the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #889 – The denude bomb
Fun fact: This page was fun to draw. There are a number of reasons this guy might be trying to explosively de-dress Max. One hopes he’s not in league with paparazzi, though I’d wager a super slow-mo shot of that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #888 – Supervillain ping pong
Comic #888! The number of the guy who lives two stories up and like 4 apartments over from the beast! Depending on how the numbering goes on each floor. It might be different for hotels and apartments. The Beast seems[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #887 – Intel pass along
I went back and forth on whether Max should have said “Get your face out of my chest.” or “off my chest.” They both work technically, but I figure past a certain cup size, “out” becomes an option, one might[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #886 – Insert joke about airbags here
This sort of thing can only really go down a few ways. Max gets a face to the bosoms, or she takes a crotch or butt to her face. I mean, yes, technically, they could just collide in a less[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #885 – Gotta catch ’em all with their pants down
In the Grrl-verse, Supers can’t be deployed by a countries military against a foreign nation. They didn’t have any rules about that when Maxima and others were serving in Afghanistan and people realized that could escalate REAL fast. So now[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #884 – Wham, Smash, to the Scaffolding
Today is just not going according to anyone’s plans it seems. I’m pretty sure panel 1 is the best boot I’ve ever drawn. I know that’s a weird thing to fixate on, but between Maxima’s collection and the uniform boots,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #883 – Garbage duty
Are* of Lube Spell: 0 physical damage. 4D6 damage to self-esteem, + additional 2D6 damage to self-esteem if the person who cast it stands around talking about their plans while you fall around like a newborn fawn chucked onto a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #882 – The slippery arm of the law
Just be thankful it’s freshly summoned lube. Sydney’s not actually correct about it being a cantrip. It’s like the level 6 version of “Lube.” Honestly I feel bad for whoever has to clean up after this fight. That stuff does[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #881 – Gesundämmerheit
In case you, like Torchy, were indeed wondering where the stasis pod was. This guy has a universal translator, but he’s one of those aliens with an insanely loud barky, clicky language that the translator isn’t able to set up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #880 – Variable lethality
By “Variable,” Cora of course means “That depends on what I’m shooting and where I hit them.” I suppose that applies to most non-AOE weapons, really. My first draft had some Predator looking scrawl in panel 5 there, but I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #879 – Immovable grapple
He’s scratching his cheek, but I don’t think his cheek can itch. It’s probably an affectation. Achilles would be a real pain in the ass as a grappler. There are certainly beings who can simple muscle him off, no matter[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #878 – Fist face floor
The hardest part about being Cora is coming up with a UI that lets her pull from her quite frankly asinine arsenal in a quick and efficient manner. She hasn’t quite cracked the tech that makes the world slow down[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #877 – Ray tracing amputation
Yes, Dabbler has a gun that fires backstab rounds. (See panel 2 if you didn’t notice.) Yes, yes, I’ve talked before about how people with fake limbs get them chopped off all the time. Well, Cora grew up with all[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #876 – Mercs and mayhem
So it looks like word of Maxima’s stunt with the Fel has spread. I guess I could leave you guys speculating as to why aliens want to kidnap and auction her off, but… I mean, come on. It’s that or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #875 – Poetic pozzing
I know everyone was expecting a “Viscera Cleanup Detail” level event here, but as little patience as Max has for dudes like this, she’s not going to atomize a guy for a first offence. Granted, trying to tug open her[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #874 – Infotainment
Actually, Max, supers are kind of the one thing Earth has going for it, from a galactic POI at the moment, other than being the latest planet on the verge of dipping their toe into galactic society. That definitely gives[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #873 – Pyrrhic matchmaking
You’ve all been waiting for it. Ray and Maxima will meet soon. Sydney isn’t a lazy person necessarily, but it’s probably easy to imagine that when confronted with a frustrating job, she might gradually start putting less and less effort[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #872 – Rose Iris Daisy von Petunia-Lily
Yes, the race that communicates with smell but deals with verbal languages all the time would obviously have sound friendly names, and “Aster” certainly could have volunteered that information. But that’s not what Sydney asked. She asked how to spell[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #871 – Cosmic waive
I rarely ever have a characters voice in my head when I’m writing them. It’s why I’m always flummoxed when people ask “Who do you see voice acting the Grrl Power characters in the anime?” But Ray Cosmos 100% sounds[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #870 – Should auld acquaintance show up at work
I hate to side with the interstellar car salesman looking guy, but… he’s not wrong. So yeah. It is a small universe. Well, galaxy. Ray is an acquaintance of both Dabbler and Cora, and judging from their reactions, possibly an[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #869 – Standard suck deviation
Times Square seems to be a somewhat fluid designation. I thought it was just one intersection with a bunch of light up billboards, but a lot of adjacent areas seem to count themselves as part of it, I guess for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...