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Updated 2024-05-09 05:00
Grrl Power #1014 – The Zambezi high club
An odd page, admittedly, but things are happening on the other side of the Earth. I didn’t write this page intending to dump on Mozambique, but I had to decide where Galytn actually was, and based on other higher altitude[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1013 – The Faketrix
If you can make copies of yourself, there’s a lot of mischief you can get up to. Harem has customized all her dupes with dye jobs, haircuts and tattoos in some cases, but there was a time when she had[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1012 – Between 0 and 6 Harems walk into a bar…
This is a page that I really didn’t want to split into two, but I couldn’t fit everything on one page and I just couldn’t make it a double cause I’m still trying to get caught up after Xmas. (The[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1011 – Occupations and hazards
One might be tempted to think that working in entertainment, the two less mature Scovilles would have no excuse to not know what Ma Scoville’s job is, but just because she works in the entertainment industry, it doesn’t mean she’s[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1010 – Apocalypse watch
Leon and Zephan are both thinking “just hire some fish researchers and slip one of our own guys in the group” or coral researchers or marine geologists or whatever. FYI, a “fish researcher” is an ichthyologist, but a guy who[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1009 – Does Sydney have accident insurance?
The title of the page is a joke, but… seriously. Wouldn’t supers probably need to have some sort of insurance fund set up in case they accidentally elbowed someone through a wall, or turned them to stone, or extincted an[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1008 – Yarr har fiddle dee dee…
Option 1: “Do you have anything to declare?” “I do declare, it’s powerful hot, suh. I may have the vapors! And not just because of the all-bean-and-Mexican-tapwater diet!” “Seriously, miss…” “I as serious as a German school marm! I’m at[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1007 – On the origin of MacGuffins
Okay. If I was reading some comic and it took 1,000 pages for them to get around to “where did you get your amazing MacGuffins,” that would strike me as an oversight both on the characters’ part, and the authors.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1006 – If everyone’s crying…
This page took a long time to lay out, cause I really wanted to include some dialog that I finally cut for space. Sydney starts off by saying “Didn’t Napoleon or Himmler or someone say…” and Arianna responds with “Sydney,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1005 – Dads be like…
Obviously Cora launched that FTL Comm Relay. Otherwise that conversation with Frix would have taken thirty years. I’m not sure conflating Terrans with super powers and mass stupidity in the minds of the alien public is going to be a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1004 – Meet the coworker…’s boobs
This page sponsored by any of you still up in the air about which parent Sydney takes after. Also… everyone at Patreon… look it was supposed to be a joke to justify a page about Syd Sr. drifting away mid[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
December Vote Incentive Posted
This month’s vote incentive guest stars Lana of Spying with Lana. One of my own secret agents, Pixel, is trying to assist, with various levels of success and… nudity. Well, in the Patreon versions. The Vote Incentive will give you[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1003 – There’s two of… uh, both of them
Yeah, it’s no surprise that Dad was the larger influence on Sydney. More on that soon. Lots of talk about genetics under the last page. And yes, I know brunette hair plus blond hair doesn’t necessarily equal dirty blonde, or[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1002 – Windtalkers
Yes, of course we’ll meet Sydney Sr. in just a bit, but he’s probably getting autographs or something. Sydney got in trouble a fair amount growing up, and her and her mom eventually developed this disciplinarian semaphore so Laura could[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1001 – Arc-box achievement unlocked!
Yeah, I know, this is probably not correct procedure. We should all accept that I will get the military stuff… adjacent. And don’t worry about the ribbons too much. I cribbed Maxima’s from some Air Force Colonel’s photo I found[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #1000 – Graduation!
Let’s celebrate arbitrary round numbers! Human nature! Woo! Okay, seriously though, I’m kind of amazed we’re here. It’s not something I’d really given a lot of thought when I started this comic. Though I will say I thought it was[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #999 – Seven thousand generations a sex slave
This scene wrapped up a lot sooner than I’d planned, because I wanted to shift gears in time for page 1000, so there are still succubus related questions in the aether. I’ll probably revisit the topic after we’ve gotten a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #998 – All’s well that succs well?
I was trying so hard to trim this tale down to the basics but then in panel 4 I couldn’t help stick in a joke about… I guess it’s about ableism? Sort of? There’s absolutely a need to be aware[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #997 – Deadlock
Panel 1: It checks out because now he knows an appreciative succubus. It’s going to vary from fantasy-verse to fantasy-verse, but putting someone under a geas to “Deliver this to the king” versus “See that the king receives this” may[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #996 – Dat ass…assin
Other methods to detect succubi – Submerge them in baby oil… then have them wrestle home team slave girls Or (sexy young) nuns. Do demons melt when they get wet? Liberally spraying all suspected succubi while they wear thin white[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #995 – Big Oil has nothing on Big Peasant
These pages are a bit more challenging to draw than the standard talking heads page. I write them to convey the tale Dabbler is relaying, then when I’m laying out the page and the word bubbles, I realize I don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
November Vote Incentive Posted
I thought I would make a separate post for this. The vote incentive is updated! I started drawing this and honestly had the thought that I might shelve it so I could use this for a plotline setup in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #994 – One upmageship
That first guy definitely knew what he was doing. So, Frankenstein(‘s monster). Zombie? Flesh golem? Resurrected abomination? If one could reconstruct corpse parts without any external tell-tale signs, then give it the ‘ol lightning treatment, and that guy goes in[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #993 – On the origin of succubi
Succubi are usually thought of as dream demons, but at least in my little corner of the fantasy-verse, their origins are somewhat more… humble. And as with many typical succubus things, Dabbler didn’t specialize in the dream stuff. She can[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #992 – Infernal relationships be like…
Sure, “Fiend” is not a direct equivalent because “Baby Eater” is far too specific. Fiend is more of an umbrella catch-all for half and quarter demon/devil mixes, plus assorted other miscellaneous Infernals. Demons, even during their wardeathdoom phase, are sociologically[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #991 – Demon double dipping
Dabbler telling Sydney about Astral nasties. I think coming up with made up names is a skill like drawing or… I don’t know, throwing axes. I used to get really stuck when making up weird fantasy words, like all I’d[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #990 – Read my lack of lips
I love seeing people in the comments wondering if Sydney was going to ask about Infernal administrative services when I’ve been planning on Sydney’s mouth question from about the second time I drew this guy like 7 years ago. Sydney[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #989 – Invasion schminvasion
I’m not sure humans are actually bad a being subjugated. I think that’s western romanticism. Or, specifically American romanticism. We don’t of modern England of being remotely subjugatey, but they did have one of those top 5 empires at one[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #988 – It’s like herding horny demons
Meet Dexon, who has been languishing in the cameo cue for quite a while. Sometimes the character designs are hard to just slip into the comic and have them make sense. I probably could have stuck him in the background[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #987 – Dear pentagramhouse…
Battle a giant arch-demon to save Earth from an invasion? Stand off to the side while your co-worker and/or subordinate catches up with an ex in an extremely visceral way? It’s not that Maxima doesn’t enjoy a good fight, but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #986 – Smoosh is in the air
Just to make sure all the text on this page is fully legible, I’m going to post this page over at Patreon so everyone can see the double size version. For some reason, I decided to include two different pages[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #985 – Big bodyslam diplomacy
Maxima is not often invited to diplomatic events. “They” learned early on that she only has so many knuckles to crack. Assuming Tom is 90 feet tall, he would weigh… (one quick googling later) Huh. Not nearly as much as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #984 – Don’t tug on etc etc…
The problem with someone who speaks in 18 point monster font is that you can only fit so much per page. I’ll probably have to lower his volume quickly. (For reference, the normal dialog font is 6.5 point.) Tamer: Enhancer[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #983 – Business or pleasure?
Customs Agent: Reason for your visit to our dimension, Sir? Thothogoth: Telling off an Ex. Customs Agent: I see. I will expedite your processing forthwith. Some book recommendations The Laundry Files – A lot of people might know this as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #982 – (No longer) Sleeping with the archenemy
This may shock you, but Dabbler’s been around. Yes, it’s the return of the dumb joke from page 77. (And 92. And 200. I still stand by that Status Quola joke. That makes me laugh to this day.) Started of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #981 – Victory pose
Ever since being given this opportunity, Vehemence has been legitimately going back and forth as to whether or not he was going to behave. After being handed such a one sided defeat, and seeing Sydney in such a good mood[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #980 – Destination beatdown
Sydney probably could have just hunkered down in her shield and let Kevin just blast away at it, then maybe juggle him around with the lighthook, but she felt this would be a whole lot more demoralizing. Tamer: Enhancer 2[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #979 – Final boss?
Everybody come up with your own Succubus inspired salutations! May your next sexual partner have balls like white holes! Good lubrication to you! Happy Tantric Day! Etc. (Zeromus.MP3) I don’t care if you like JPRGs or not, Nobuo Uematsu is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #978 – Super C.V.
I know it’s been established that Dabbler has a wind spell, but it’s centered on her and jumping into that melee is not advisable. Dabbler can probably track what’s going on. As I mentioned on the last page, I don’t[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #977 – Boob tube
I had to draw a slightly less involved page to make up for the previous monster one. I can’t decide if Arianna would go for this or not. The boob letterboxing there would increase the views, but she’s not of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #976 – Air Master
Max is just having fun with this. It’s not often she gets to cut lose. She can spar with Hiro and Stalwart, and while most supers heal faster than your stock human, they could still wind up being laid out[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #975 – Cheap kick
Vehemence must be really bored in prison to stop in a middle of a fight and play ball with Maxima here. Without at least a trickle of violence, he starts getting full body restless leg syndrome, and that’s just for[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #974 – Death by a thousand chips
I know what the title of the page is, and this isn’t technically chip damage, but Max is exploring the deterrent factor. That or she’s just going to make him mad. Vehemence’s line on this page makes me think of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #973 – Ulna you di-in’t
Yeah, he just got punched through a cliff two pages ago, but I think this would hurt more. He’s used to getting punched and slamming into things. This is almost certainly a new pain for him, if not an entirely[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #972 – Warmup’s over!
Early UFC matches were fast because no one had figured out that grappling basically dominates in one on one fights, then just after that everyone started to learn counter grappling, and then after that, they had to start putting time[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #971 – Riprap Punch!
These action pages don’t always leave a lot to talk about. Vehemence tries to punch Ren, Ren hits first, blows are exchanged, V gets knocked through a cliff. Okay, that’s a little more interesting. I’ve called Ren’s power super adrenaline,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #970 – Those names are unfoetunate
Patron Kizik Ucalegon suggested “Redline” for Ren, and think that fits him pretty good. I’m sure Sydney will accidentally call him Renline a few times. I’m not sure how watching two people fight in a manner that is beyond your[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #969 – Gravity assisted motivation
You know your job is weird when your boss kicking you from an eighty foot cliff is not grounds for a HR complaint. Ren, for those of you who don’t recall, has “Super Adrenaline.” He’s trying to avoid the Supranym[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #968 – Menagerie Fu!
I think I said it before when Jabberwokky was first introduced, but it’s been a while. She has a super weird power. She has basically any power or set of powers she wants, so long as she can justify them[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...
Grrl Power #967 – After action cluck
There’s an extended fight scene going on while Dabbler is prompting Sydney for details. I thought about putting in a bunch of PUNCH, BIFF, ZORG, ETC sfx at the bottom of each panel but decided it looked cluttered. Dabbler is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry...