VANCOUVER—Governments across Canada have been withholding COVID-19 data in an exercise of “paternalistic” information-hoarding likely meant to regulate public reaction to the pandemic, says an access-to-information advocate.
Health Canada has issued a number of warnings to shoppers after recalls of multiple products sold at several stores and online websites reveal injury hazards.
As the hunt for vaccines heats up, with over 40 per cent of Ontario residents now with one shot, you might be wondering about that elusive second dose.
You want life back. I want life back. With enough vaccines in enough arms, and if we crush the virus enough, it’ll happen. Me, I want to eat chicken wings and drink beer in a favourite bar with friends, tears barely contained. There’s more that will come back. We can do it.
The city said Friday it won’t make ticketing people who are drinking in parks a priority, after an uproar about a defeated motion to legalize alcohol in some public spaces.
COVID-19 rapid testing kits will be made available directly to businesses courtesy of the federal government in a bid to make workplaces safer ahead of the potential easing of COVID-19 restrictions.
The websites and social media accounts of prominent COVID-19 anti-lockdown groups in Ontario will offer visitors a similar experience: powerful messages, heartfelt testimonials and a sense of solidarity.
In mere days, butterflies will begin to emerge in Canada. After weathering the winter tucked away in foliage, warmer temperatures will draw them out of hiding to look for mates. But for those who prefer not to wait, there is a more evergreen source of insects: butterfly farms.
If you’re trying to figure out the Ontario government’s strategy right now, it’s a little like someone saying this: If I crash this car again, I just want you to know it’s not my fault this time, either. The roads were slippery; they also weren’t straight. Oh, and I’m not sure the brakes work, either. I haven’t really checked on that.
Wood products company EACOM Timber Corp. is paying employees and contractors at sites across Quebec and Ontario to get vaccinated, in the hopes that will boost vaccination rates among workers by the end of the year.
As the third wave crests in Ontario, physicians warn the daily tally of COVID-19 patients in ICUs is an undercount of the true number receiving critical care for the virus.