The sprints and weight routines Conor McCann puts together for his family are no joke — but then, neither is their desire to get and stay in shape through the pandemic.
In one pivotal moment, the confusion of adolescence clashed with the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic for 13-year-old Mia Xuan. She started her period last April, just weeks into the pandemic’s first wave.
As one of the roughly 1.7 million Canadians with AstraZeneca teaching our immune systems how to do immune system karate, my first instinct might be, what the hell, NACI? Now you tell me that AstraZeneca is a third-rate vaccine? In fairness, it is a third-rate vaccine approved by Health Canada and which is far, far, far more likely to save my life than it is to kill me. Also, the messaging wasn’t much of a change.
CALGARY—In case you missed the large illegal rodeo this weekend, Jason Kenney would like you to know that, when it comes to public health rules, Alberta has a compliance problem.
It’s important to get exercise in a pandemic, and once again, the minister of long-term care is providing an example by running from responsibility. She is ducking, shuffling her feet, throwing the weight to somebody else. In keeping with this government’s current ban on many outdoor activities without limiting workplaces, she even did it indoors. Team player.
With more and more Ontarians approaching eligibility for their second COVID-19 vaccine based on the recommended 16-week gap, many might be wondering: can I take a different vaccine the second time around?
Stoney Creek public school trustee Cam Galindo says he’s far more concerned about heavy truck traffic than pollution if the Ministry of Education comes through with money for an elementary school near the Taro industrial dump.
Refusing to apologize for what a scathing report called Ontario’s “slow and reactive” response to the deadly threat of COVID-19 in nursing homes, Long-Term Care Minister Merrilee Fullerton says she did not expect “a 100-year pandemic against an unknown virus.”