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Updated 2024-11-23 16:15
Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (ffmpeg and tomcat9), Fedora (et and kernel), openSUSE (binutils, rubygem-activerecord-5_1, samba, and tinyxml), Oracle (freerdp and httpd:2.4), Red Hat (devtoolset-11-gcc, gcc-toolset-10-binutils, kernel, kernel-rt, and kpatch-patch), and Scientific Linux (freerdp).
Kernel prepatch 5.16-rc1
The 5.16-rc1 kernel prepatch is out and themerge window is closed for this cycle.
ClusterFuzzLite: Continuous fuzzing for all (Google Security blog)
Over on the Google Security blog, Jonathan Metzman announced the release of ClusterFuzzLite, which is "a continuous fuzzing solution that runs as part of CI/CD workflows to find vulnerabilities faster than ever before". ClusterFuzzLite is a descendant of OSS-Fuzz, which we looked at in 2017.
[$] Some upcoming memory-management patches
The memory-management subsystem remains one of the most complex parts ofthe kernel, with an ongoing reliance on various heuristics forperformance. It is thus not surprising that developers continue to try toimprove its functionality. A number of memory-management patches arecurrently in circulation; read on for a look at the freeing of page-tablepages, kvmalloc() flags, memory clearing, and NUMA "home nodes".
Eight new stable kernels
Greg Kroah-Hartman has announced the release of eight stable kernels: 5.15.2, 5.14.18, 5.10.79, 5.4.159, 4.19.217, 4.14.255, 4.9.290, and 4.4.292. They contain a relatively small setof important fixes, but, as usual, users should upgrade.
Security updates for Friday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (node-tar, postgresql-11, postgresql-13, and postgresql-9.6), Fedora (autotrace, botan2, chafa, converseen, digikam, dmtx-utils, dvdauthor, eom, kxstitch, pfstools, php-pecl-imagick, psiconv, q, R-magick, radeontop, rss-glx, rubygem-rmagick, synfig, synfigstudio, vdr-scraper2vdr, vdr-skinelchihd, vdr-skinnopacity, vdr-tvguide, and WindowMaker), Mageia (kernel, kernel-linus, and openafs), openSUSE (kernel), Red Hat (freerdp), SUSE (bind and kernel), and Ubuntu (openexr, postgresql-10, postgresql-12, postgresql-13, and samba).
[$] Exposing Trojan Source exploits in Emacs
While the "Trojan Source" vulnerabilitieshave, thus far, generated far more publicity than examples of actualexploits, addressing the problem still seems like a good thing to do.There are several places where defenses could be put into place; texteditors, being the place where developers look at a lot of code, are oneobvious example. The discussion of how to enhance Emacs in this regard hasmade it clear, though, that there are multiple opinions about how an editorshould flag potential attacks.
Twelve Years of Go (The Go blog)
On November 10, the Go programming language community celebrated the 12th anniversary of its release as open-source software. The post covers a number of different topics, including the consolidation of web sites at go.dev, releases and their features over the last year, as well as a look to the future:
Security updates for Thursday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (icinga2, libxstream-java, ruby-kaminari, and salt), Fedora (awscli, cacti, cacti-spine, python-boto3, python-botocore, radeontop, and rust), Mageia (firefox, libesmtp, libzapojit, sssd, and thunderbird), openSUSE (samba and samba and ldb), SUSE (firefox, pcre, qemu, samba, and samba and ldb), and Ubuntu (firejail, linux-bluefield, linux-gke-5.4, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.4, linux-oem-5.10, linux-oem-5.14, and python-py).
[$] LWN.net Weekly Edition for November 11, 2021
The LWN.net Weekly Edition for November 11, 2021 is available.
[$] Late-bound argument defaults for Python
Python supports default values for arguments to functions, but thosedefaults are evaluated at function-definition time. A proposal to adddefaults that are evaluated when the function is called has been discussedat some length on the python-ideas mailing list. The idea came about, in part,due to yet another resurrection of the proposalfor None-aware operators in Python. Late-bound defaults would helpwith one use case for those operators, but there are other, strongerreasons to consider their addition to the language.
Security updates for Wednesday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (openjdk-8 and samba), Fedora (community-mysql, firefox, and vim), openSUSE (binutils, kernel, and tinyxml), Red Hat (annobin, autotrace, babel, bind, binutils, bluez, compat-exiv2-026, container-tools:2.0, container-tools:3.0, container-tools:rhel8, cups, curl, dnf, dnsmasq, edk2, exiv2, file, file-roller, firefox, gcc, gcc-toolset-10-annobin, gcc-toolset-10-binutils, gcc-toolset-10-gcc, gcc-toolset-11-annobin, gcc-toolset-11-binutils, gcc-toolset-11-gcc, glib2, glibc, GNOME, gnutls and nettle, go-toolset:rhel8, grafana, graphviz, grilo, httpd:2.4, jasper, java-17-openjdk, json-c, kernel, kernel-rt, kexec-tools, kpatch-patch, lasso, libgcrypt, libjpeg-turbo, libsepol, libsolv, libssh, libtiff, libwebp, libX11, linuxptp, lua, mingw-glib2, mutt, ncurses, NetworkManager, openjpeg2, openssh, openssl, pcre, pcs, php:7.4, python-jinja2, python-lxml, python-pillow, python-pip, python-psutil, python27:2.7, python3, python36:3.6, python38:3.8 and python38-devel:3.8, python39:3.9 and python39-devel:3.9, qt5, resource-agents, rpm, rust-toolset:rhel8, spamassassin, sqlite, squid:4, tcpdump, tpm2-tools, vim, virt:rhel and virt-devel:rhel, and zziplib), and SUSE (binutils and kernel).
Samba 4.15.2, 4.14.10, 4.13.14 security releases available
There is a set of new Samba releases out there. They fix a long andintimidating list of security issues and seem worth upgrading to for anybut the most protected of Samba servers.
[$] Concurrency in Julia
The Julia programming language hasits roots in high-performance scientific computing, so it is no surprisethat it has facilities for concurrent processing. Those features are notwell-known outside of the Julia community, though, so it is interesting tosee the different types of parallel and concurrent computation that thelanguage supports. In addition, the upcoming release of Juliaversion 1.7 brings an improvement to the language'sconcurrent-computation palette, in the form of "task migration".
Security updates for Tuesday
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (firefox, grafana, jenkins, opera, and thunderbird), Debian (botan1.10 and ckeditor), openSUSE (chromium, kernel, qemu, and rubygem-activerecord-5_1), SUSE (qemu and rubygem-activerecord-5_1), and Ubuntu (docker.io, kernel, linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.11, linux-azure, linux-azure-5.11, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.11, linux-hwe-5.11, linux-kvm, linux-oem-5.13, linux-oracle, linux-oracle-5.11, linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-5.4, linux-azure, linux-azure-5.4, linux-gcp, linux-gcp-5.4, linux-gke, linux-gkeop, linux-gkeop-5.4, linux-hwe-5.4, linux-ibm, linux-kvm, and linux, linux-aws, linux-aws-hwe, linux-azure, linux-azure-4.15, linux-dell300x, linux-gcp-4.15, linux-hwe, linux-kvm, linux-oracle, linux-raspi2, linux-snapdragon).
LXD 4.20 released
The LXD team has announcedthe release of version 4.20 of the LXD system container and virtualmachine manager.
[$] Intel AMX support in 5.16
The x86 instruction set is large, but that doesn't mean it can't get biggeryet. Upcoming Intel processors will feature a new set of instructionsunder the name of "Advanced Matrix Extensions" (AMX) that can be used tooperate on matrix data. After a somewhat bumpy developmentprocess, support for AMX has found its way into the upcoming 5.16 kernel.Using it will, naturally, require some changes by application developers.
Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (containerd, redis, and sqlalchemy), Fedora (kernel, radeontop, rpki-client, and webkit2gtk3), openSUSE (java-1_8_0-openj9, libvirt, mailman, transfig, and webkit2gtk3), Oracle (thunderbird), SUSE (libvirt), and Ubuntu (icu).
Some weekend stable kernel updates
The5.15.1,5.14.17,5.10.78,5.4.158, and4.19.216stable kernel updates have all been released; each contains another set ofimportant fixes.
Ryabitsev: lore+lei: part 1, getting started
Konstantin Ryabitsev introducesthe "local email interface" (lei) functionality for the lore archive ofkernel mailing lists.
[$] The balance between features and performance in the block layer
Back in September, LWN reported on a seriesof block-layer optimizations that enabled a suitably equipped system tosustain 3.5 million I/O operations per second (IOPS). Thatoptimization work has continued since then, and those 3.5 million IOPSwould be a deeply disappointing result now. A recent disagreement over theaddition of a new feature has highlighted the potential cost of a heavilyoptimized block layer, though; when is a feature deemed important enough tooutweigh the drive for maximum performance?
Security updates for Friday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (python3.5, redis, and udisks2), Fedora (rust), openSUSE (binutils, java-1_8_0-openj9, and qemu), Oracle (firefox and httpd), Red Hat (thunderbird), Scientific Linux (thunderbird), and SUSE (binutils, qemu, and systemd).
Conill: an inside look into the illicit ad industry
Ariadne Conill sharessome experience of working in the online advertising industry.
GitLab servers are being exploited in DDoS attacks (The Record)
The Record is reportingon massive exploitation of an oldish vulnerability in GitLab instances.
ksmbd: a new in-kernel SMB server (SAMBA+ blog)
Over at the SAMBA+ blog, the performance of the new ksmbd kernel SMB server and Samba in user space are compared:
Horgan: Linux x86 Program Start Up
Patrick Horgan explainsthe process of starting a program on Linux in great detail.
[$] 5.16 Merge window, part 1
As of this writing, Linus Torvalds has pulled exactly 6,800 non-mergechangesets into the mainline repository for the 5.16 kernel release. Thatis probably a little over half of what will arrive during this mergewindow, so this is a good time to catch up on what has been pulled so far.There are many significant changes and some large-scale restructuring ofinternal kernel code, but relatively few ground-breaking newfeatures.
Security updates for Thursday
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (ansible, chromium, kernel, mupdf, python-PyMuPDF, rust, and zathura-pdf-mupdf), openSUSE (qemu and webkit2gtk3), Red Hat (firefox and kpatch-patch), Scientific Linux (firefox), SUSE (qemu, tomcat, and webkit2gtk3), and Ubuntu (firefox and thunderbird).
[$] LWN.net Weekly Edition for November 4, 2021
The LWN.net Weekly Edition for November 4, 2021 is available.
[$] Trojan Source: tricks (no treats) with Unicode
A new security vulnerability that was disclosedon November 1 has some interesting properties. "Trojan Source", as it has beendubbed, is effectively an attack on human perceptions, especially as theyare filtered through the tools used for source-code review. While thespecifics of the flaw are new, this kind of trickery is not completelynovel, but Trojan Source finds another way to confuse the humans who arein the loop.
Security updates for Wednesday
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (CuraEngine, curl, firefox, php, and vim), openSUSE (apache2, pcre, salt, transfig, and util-linux), Oracle (.NET 5.0, curl, kernel, libsolv, python3, samba, and webkit2gtk3), and Red Hat (flatpak).
[$] Adding package information to ELF objects
While it is often relatively straightforward to determine what packageprovided a binary that is misbehaving—crashing for instance—on Fedora andother Linux distributions, there are situations where it may be harder todo so. A feature recently proposed for Fedora 36—currentlyscheduled for the end of April 2022—would embed information into thebinaries themselves to show where they came from. It is part of amulti-distribution effort to standardize how this information is stored inthe binaries (and the libraries they use) to assist crash-reporting and other tools.
Stable kernel updates
Stable kernels 5.14.16, 5.10.77, 5.4.157, 4.19.215, 4.14.254, 4.9.289, and 4.4.291 have been released. They containimportant fixes and users should upgrade.
Firefox 94.0 and Firefox ESR 91.3.0
Firefox 94.0 has beenreleased. Linux users should see improvedWebGL performance and reduced power consumption for many workloads. Theabout:unloadspage shows the user information about open tabs and allows them to releasesystem resources by unloading tabs without closing them. SiteIsolation provides better protection against side-channel attacks. Seethe announcement for more new features in this release.Firefox ESR91.3 is also available, with various stability, functionality, and securityfixes.
Security updates for Tuesday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (asterisk, bind9, glusterfs, and openjdk-11), Fedora (ansible and CuraEngine), openSUSE (mailman and opera), Oracle (binutils and flatpak), Red Hat (curl, flatpak, java-1.8.0-ibm, kernel, kernel-rt, libsolv, python3, samba, and webkit2gtk3), Scientific Linux (binutils and flatpak), SUSE (binutils and transfig), and Ubuntu (ceph and mailman).
Fedora 35 released
The Fedora 35release has been announced.
Folios merged for 5.16
The long-running and sometimes acrimonious discussion on the memory folio patch set has come to an end:the folio patches were the first thing pulled into the mainline repositoryfor the 5.16 development cycle. Now the developers involved just have todo all of the other work identified as necessary to clean up thememory-management subsystem and isolate it from other parts of the kernel.
FSF: Free Software Awards nominations sought
The Free Software Foundation has openednominations for the Free SoftwareAwards. Nominations are open until November 30.
[$] Some 5.15 development statistics
The 5.15 kernel was released onOctober 31, with the code name appropriately changed to "Trick orTreat". By that time, 12,377 non-merge changesets had been merged into themainline, adding a net total of 332,000 lines of code. Read on for a lookat where the contributions to the 5.15 kernel came from.
Security updates for Monday
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (bind, chromium, freerdp, opera, webkit2gtk, and wpewebkit), Debian (cron, cups, elfutils, ffmpeg, libmspack, libsdl1.2, libsdl2, opencv, and tiff), Fedora (java-latest-openjdk, stb, and thunderbird), Mageia (cairo, cloud-init, docker, ffmpeg, libcaca, php, squid, and webkit2), openSUSE (busybox, chromium, civetweb, containerd, docker, runc, dnsmasq, fetchmail, flatpak, go1.16, krb5, ncurses, python, python-Pygments, squid, strongswan, transfig, virtualbox, wireguard-tools, and xstream), Red Hat (binutils, devtoolset-10-gcc, and flatpak), SUSE (libvirt, opensc, and transfig), and Ubuntu (webkit2gtk).
The "Trojan Source" vulnerability
The latest branded and trademarked vulnerability type is called "Trojan Source". By playing trickswith Unicode bidirectional support, an attacker can create malicious codethat appears to be benign to reviewers. "The attack is to usecontrol characters embedded in comments and strings to reorder source codecharacters in a way that changes its logic." Various releases,including Rust1.56.1,are being made to address this problem.
The 5.15 kernel has been released
Linus has released the 5.15 kernel afteranother nine-week development cycle.
Yocto Project 3.4 (Honister) released
Version 3.4 of The Yocto Project has been released. Yocto provides a system for building embedded Linux distributions. This release comes with "Linux kernel 5.14, glibc 2.34 and ~280 other recipe upgrades", support for building and cross-compiling Rust code, tons of new recipes, a way to create a SPDX bill of materials (BoM), overlayfs and seccomp support, optimizations, bug fixes, and more. The fullrelease notes have further information.
[$] Fedora considers removing NIS support
For all of you youngsters out there, the Internet has always beenomnipresent, computers are something you carry in your pocket, the Unixwars are about as relevant as the War of 1812, and the term "NIS" doesn'tring a bell. But, for a certain class of Unix old-timer, NIS has a distinctplace in history — and, perhaps, in still-deployed systems. So thesuggestion that Fedora might drop support for NIS has proved to be a bit ofa wakeup call for some.
Security updates for Friday
Security updates have been issued by Debian (bind9, gpsd, jbig2dec, libdatetime-timezone-perl, tzdata, webkit2gtk, and wpewebkit), Fedora (flatpak, java-1.8.0-openjdk, java-11-openjdk, and php), SUSE (qemu), and Ubuntu (bind9).
Software Freedom Conservancy's DMCA Exemption Requests Granted
Software Freedom Conservancy has had several exemptions granted that it requested to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) by the US Library of Congress for activities of interest to free-software developers:
[$] Debian's which hunt
One does not normally expect to see a great deal of angst over a one-pageshell script, even on the Internet. But Debian is special, so it has beenhaving an extended discussion over the fate of the which commandthat has been escalated to the Debian Technical Committee. The amount ofattention that has been given to a small, nonstandard utility shines alight on Debian's governance processes and the interaction of traditionwith standards.
Security updates for Thursday
Security updates have been issued by openSUSE (salt), Slackware (bind), SUSE (salt), and Ubuntu (php5, php7.0, php7.2, php7.4, php8.0).
[$] LWN.net Weekly Edition for October 28, 2021
The LWN.net Weekly Edition for October 28, 2021 is available.
[$] Lessons from the linux-distros mailing list
The oss-securitymailing list is specifically set up for reports and discussion of security flaws inopen-source software after their embargo, if any, has expired. But theresponse to a recentreportof the fix for a security flaw in the Linux kernel went in a differentdirection than usual. The report did not break the two-week embargoperiod, instead it was "late", which has highlighted some problems in themanagement of flaws of this nature.