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Copyright Fred Gallagher
Updated 2025-03-14 18:47
Comic [1616] "more mature and full of regrets"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1616
Comic [1615] "he doesn't like me"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1615
Comic [1614] "I Will Never Forgive the World..."
Dead Piro Day comic 1614
Rant [1107] "It Took Forever, But It's Here!"
Just blasting out into the ether that Transcendent - Book 1: The Girl is the Tomb is live, available for kindle, paperback, and a brand new hardcover option for you dead tree enthusiasts.It's... been a ride, to say the least. When I started this manuscript, as a visual prompt from Fred, it had morphed and shifted its tone so many times that it quite literally shares nothing with the initial short story I composed from the prompt. In the interim, ...[permalink]
Comic [1613] "totally not that into you"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1613
Comic [1612] "a love life"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1612
Comic [1611] "understandin' love"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1611
Comic [1610] "OSE: Conscience Enforcement Authority: The New Kitty Case Worker [special comic]"
One Shot Episode comic 1610
Comic [1609] "it's rare, but it happens."
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1609
Rant [1106] "Clearing of the Air"
(note: this was actually a twitter thread that i wrote this morning... rather than copy paste and chunk this thing out to the other services... duh, post it as a rant and link it :)I've been hesitant to post anything like this, so i'll keep it vague. Lets face it, the last YEAR has been awful. About a year ago, Sarah started to feel sick and it wasn't long before we knew her cancer was back. It was a hard year, but she beat it and we got thru it....[permalink]
Comic [1608] "I don't want to die (part 2 - clubbed to death)"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1608
Comic [1607] "I don't want to die (part 1)"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1607
Comic [1606] "name..."
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1606
Rant [1104] "old webcomic artist yells at cloud"
One thing ive found myself doing lately now that im sorta 'well fuck that twitter shit' is i am rambling on a LOT more when i type stuff. This can be viewed as a good or bad thing. Maybe for me it's not a bad thing. It's a bit like working in a 4 panel comic format. You can do a lot with a four panel setup, almost the first entire chapter of MT is all 4 panel. It has its own kinda pacing, setup, delivery, variables, etc.But there are things i can...[permalink]
Comic [1605] "your happy story idea"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1605
Rant [1103] "Retconning a Scene Entry"
Ok, if you look at comic above [1604] you might notice that it has changed from what i posted back in July (you might need to refresh your browser (ctrl-F5 or ctrl-R) to see it). Why?Because i goofed up.[TL;dr: small retcon for this comic: have to transition into earlier in the next scene so Mugi and Yaku can talk *before* Miho wakes up. Now I can insert the three pages in progress of Mugi and Yaku talking about what happened last chapter.]In...[permalink]
Rant [1102] "So much for Microblogging..."
Well, after 15 years of using this new fangled "Twitter" thing for microblogging, that's enough of that. Back to normal ranting.(For the record, this is not a rant about twitter, it's about me and the internet over the last thirty... years... oh geeze, it's been that long?)When Twitter was just a new thing, i kinda liked the idea of using it for quick micro blogging (since i was such a slacker about writing rants) so i added two new twitter acc...[permalink]
Comic [1604] "The Temporality of Residual Memory"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1604
Comic [1603] "Easy Mode and Bad End"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1603
Comic [1602] "a normal girl in a lot of trouble"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1602
Comic [1601] "verified"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1601
Comic [1600] "flowing right through each other"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1600
Comic [1599] "You shouldn't just assume"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1599
Comic [1598] "IT DID NOT GO WELL"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1598
Comic [1597] "so this is what happens"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1597
Comic [1596] "reference material"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1596
Comic [1595] "T.M.D. (Too Much Debriefing)"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1595
Comic [1594] "a side of you i havent seen before"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1594
Comic [1593] "I win"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1593
Comic [1592] "I just didn't know"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1592
Comic [1591] "there is no way..."
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1591
Comic [1590] "Beautiful"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1590
Comic [1589] "interrupting something"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1589
Comic [1588] "things left behind"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1588
Comic [1587] "problem multiplication"
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1587
Comic [1586] "Chapter 13: "Redemption""
Chapter 13: "Redemption" comic 1586
Comic [1585] "rest and recovery"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1585
Comic [1584] "Naze Nani Megatokyo: 20 Years Later..."
Naze Nani Megatokyo comic 1584
Comic [1583] "the heartbreak of other people's luck"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1583
Comic [1582] "your lucky day"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1582
Comic [1581] "can't make it any worse"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1581
Comic [1580] "with love"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1580
Comic [1579] "please continue"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1579
Comic [1578] "someplace safe"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1578
Comic [1577] "cheating"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1577
Comic [1576] "couldn't help it"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1576
Comic [1575] "busted"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1575
Comic [1574] "crushin' me"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1574
Comic [1573] "real pain"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1573
Comic [1572] "childish"
Chapter 12: "Broken" comic 1572