canopic jug writes:MEP Patrick Breyer (Germany, Pirate Party), one of the few representatives fighting for preserving rights online rather than against them, has posted a summary about the EU Parliament's assessment of the proposed "Chat Control" legislation. In short, the "Chat Control" proposal violates basic human rights:
NotSanguine writes:[Editor's Note: This is not connected to the Kodi Linux Operating System. JR]Bleeping Computer reports that Kodi has revealed (on 8 April 2023) that their forum [N.B. the forum itself is now gone and replaced with a blog post about the breach] database was breached and is for sale online.From the Bleeping Computer article:
upstart writes:The "pancosmorio theory" says that for humans to survive in space, missions must duplicate ecological conditions found back home, including Earth's gravity:
upstart writes:Employers participating in the proposed two-year pilot program would transition some or all of their workers to a shortened workweek without any loss of pay or benefits:
DadaDoofy writes:Many people believe that any and all opposition to the Covid vaccine comes from "far-right" Republican conspiracy theorists in the flyover states. I guess the Swiss government will now be branded with those labels as their Federal Office of Public Health is now recommending that a Covid vaccination is not needed, even for people at especially high risk. They list pregnant women and people with compromised immune systems as an exception. They further state that those who wish to receive a Covid vaccine must pay for it out of their own pockets.
fliptop writes:Thanks to large language models, a single scammer can run hundreds or thousands of cons in parallel, night and day, in every language under the sun:
upstart writes:Videos obtained by WIRED from public transit vehicles reveal self-driving cars causing delays and potential danger to buses, trains, and passengers:
canopic jug writes:Democracy Now has a brief interview with a representative from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on their latest attempt to meet Julian Assange inside Belmarsh high-security prison in the UK. Despite being granted approval, the RSF secretary-general and executive director Christophe Deloire and the others with him were denied entry. No other non-governmental agency has been able to meet with Assange in the last four years either.