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Updated 2024-10-11 21:30
Your Computer Is On Fire, but it will take much more than this book to put it out
Detailed diagnosis of tech industry delusion falls short of prescribing a cure Book review Seasoned industry watchers will welcome Your Computer Is on Fire as a thorough and unflinching debunking of Big Tech's outlandish self-mythologising. They might even hope that governments, business, and the media organisations who buy into the barrage of propaganda start to ask a few important questions. But there are limits to this niche text that is at times prone to academic navel-gazing.…
Flushing roulette: Southern Water installing digital sewer monitors to prevent blockages
Plan to deal with fatbergs NOT related to that £90m fine for dumping effluent into sea on England's south coast Where's there's muck there's brass, and there won't be many places more mucky than a sewer system as bidders for a network digitalisation contract in southern England are about to rediscover.…
Hey, AI software developers, you are taking Unicode into account, right ... right?
Here's how to switch around account numbers, slip past moderation, and mix up names in production-level models Analysis Computer scientists have detailed ways in which AI language systems – including some in production – can be hoodwinked into making bad decisions by text containing unseen Unicode characters.…
Q: Post-lockdown, where would I like to go? A: As far away from my own head as possible
About 238,855 miles would do the trick Something for the Weekend, Sir? More good news for Team GB's Tokyo Games medal winners: you're going to the Moon.…
Breaking Bad or just a bad breakpoint? That feeling when your predecessor is BASIC
Here I am to save the day! On Call That Friday feeling is upon us again after a week of dealing with IT issues and dodging the gimlet gaze of the boss. Hopefully yours didn't involve some impromptu debugging in production. Welcome to On Call.…
AI to be bigger than IaaS and PaaS combined by 2025
$500bn a year to be spent on electro-brain and supporting tech vs $400bn on cloud infrastructure Analyst firm IDC has predicted that by the year 2025 more money will be spent on artificial intelligence software and services than on infrastructure-as-a-service and platforms-as-a-service.…
South Korea to test grenade-launching drones
Back on terra firma, ransomware rampage sees elevated security threat levels and giveaways to SMBs South Korea has this week announced two new weapons: grenade-launching drones for its military, and anti-ransomware software for businesses.…
Microsoft wonders if disabling just-in-time compilation of JavaScript improves browser security
Edge is getting a 'Super Duper Security Mode' to test the idea. Yes, that is the actual name Microsoft is conducting an experiment it hopes will improve browser security – by making its Edge offering worse at running JavaScript…
America enlists Big Tech to help it develop and execute cyber security plans
Players in ‘Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative’ include Microsoft, AWS, and Google The United States' Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has announced the "standup" of a body called the "Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative" (JCDC) that it hopes will spark ideas for new and improved national responses against electronic threats.…
US proposes tracking digital cash and taxing it to pay for, you know, roads and stuff
Uncle Sam wants digital asset brokers to log customer info but didn't clarify who counts as a broker or not US senators revised a section of the bipartisan infrastructure bill on Thursday to ensure cryptocurrency miners, hardware vendors, and software developers are exempt from collecting user data required to report taxes.…
US 'dropped the ball' on security by going it alone claims Huawei US CSO
Where there's a will, there's Huawei Andy Purdy, CSO for Huawei USA, believes the US needs to be more active in the development of global security standards rather than being aloof.…
Apple is about to start scanning iPhone users' devices for banned content, warns professor
For now it's child abuse material but the tech has mission creep written in Apple is about to announce a new technology for scanning individual users' iPhones for banned content. While it will be billed as a tool for detecting child abuse imagery, its potential for misuse is vast based on details entering the public domain.…
Mozilla slams post-cookie ad tech proposals SWAN and UID2 - needs much more work
Replacements for cookie-based tracking still pose privacy problems Mozilla on Wednesday published an assessment of two proposed ad tracking mechanisms intended to fill the void left by third-party cookies and found that both make web privacy worse.…
Fastly CEO opens up on that June outage that crippled so many websites
Admits some customers, including one in top ten yet to return its network Remember that monster outage in June when Fastly managed to take down huge chunks of the internet? The CEO of the US-based cloud computing services provider has admitted some customers still do.…
Do you have what it takes to turn adversity into software innovation?
Prepare to take the NextStep at this free virtual event in November Promo If adversity is the mother of invention, the last year and a half should have fostered a whole slew of software innovation.…
Full Stream ahead: Microsoft will end 'classic' method of recording Teams meetings despite transcription concerns
'All meeting recordings will be saved to OneDrive and SharePoint' from 16 August Microsoft's technology for recording Teams meetings, Stream, will fully transition to a new version from 16 August, though some users have concerns over transcription features still under development.…
A little Dataiku haiku for you: Hungry investors / throw data management firm / even more money
$400m Series E values outfit at $4.6bn In line with investors' obsession with all things to do with data, Dataiku, a provider of data management software, has secured a $400m investment that values the business at around $4.6bn.…
SK hynix to create US-HQ'd NewCo for Intel's outgoing $9bn NAND biz
Chipzilla exec and vineyard owner Robert Crooke to run operation … in between picking grapes SK hynix intends to set up its soon-to-be acquired Intel NAND business as a standalone US-headquartered company.…
Got a cheap Cisco router in your home office? If it's one of these, there's an exposed RCE hole you need to plug
Patches issued for two CVE-rated vulns Cisco has published patches for critical vulns affecting the web management interface for some of its Small Business Dual WAN Gigabit routers – including a 9.8-rated nasty.…
Paperless office? 2.8 trillion pages printed in 2020, down by 14% or 450 billion sheets
Big brands might take solace that in 2025, 4.4 million pages will still be printed every minute Around 450 billion fewer pages were printed from home and office devices in 2020 as COVID-19 disrupted the world of work.…
8 years ago another billionaire ploughed millions into space to harvest solar power and beam it back down to Earth
Caltech received $100m for the project and is only just telling us now Billionaire Donald Bren was behind a quiet $100m donation in 2013 that established Caltech's Space-based Solar Power Project (SSPP) in an attempt to harness solar power from outer space, the California private research university revealed this week.…
Das tut mir leid! Germany's ruling party sorry for calling cops on researcher after she outed canvassing app flaws
Party denies naming activist to police but apologises anyway A "left-wing" German infosec researcher was this week threatened with criminal prosecution after revealing that an app used by Angela Merkel's political party to canvass voters was secretly collecting personal data.…
Ch-ch-ch-Chia! HDD sales soar to record levels as latest crypto craze sweeps Europe
Knock-on effect for NAS and SSD devices too The Chia cryptocurrency craze is fuelling record sales growth in Europe among distributors of hard disk drives (HDD), according to calendar Q2 shipment data from venerable number cruncher Context.…
Please, no Moore: 'Law' that defined how chips have been made for decades has run itself into a cul-de-sac
Are we approaching peak computing? What are the alternatives? Feature In 1965, Gordon Moore published a short informal paper, Cramming more components onto integrated circuits.…
Google hits undo on Chrome browser alert change that broke websites, web apps
'This is peak Chrome; a reasonably good idea hampered because it was pushed out thoughtlessly' Google has temporarily reversed Chrome's removal of browser alert windows and other prompts created via cross-origin iframes after a rocky rollout over the past two weeks broke web apps and alarmed developers.…
AWS taps up Singapore scientists to overcome hurdles facing quantum computing
'Some forms of encryption used today can be broken by future large-scale quantum computers, which drives a search for alternatives' Amazon Web Services has partnered with the National University of Singapore (NUS) in hope of improving quantum technologies and their applications. The duo announced they had signed a Memorandum of Understanding this week.…
Remember Google Plus? Remember its privacy blunder? Remember applying for a slice of a settlement?
Congrats, $2.15 is on its way to you. And millions on lawyers and admin costs Check your bank accounts this month. A settlement payment from Google, regarding a privacy hole in its now-defunct Google+ social network, may be winging its way to you. All $2.15 of it.…
US labor official suggests Amazon's Alabama workers rerun that unionization vote
'Free and fair election was impossible' Amazon interfered with a formal election by its warehouse workers in Alabama to unionize – and staff ought to be given a second chance to vote again, an official at the US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has concluded.…
Facebook takes bold stance on privacy – of its ads: Independent transparency research blocked
Heaven forbid someone lifts the lid on social network's disinformation and public manipulation Facebook, which has repeatedly touted its transparency efforts, on Tuesday disabled the accounts of independent ad transparency researchers.…
RingCentral shouts revenue growth from the rooftops while shareholders can't help but notice deepening losses
Isn't that work-at-home-workforce eyeing a return to the office? RingCentral is all about the integration of apps in the comms and collaboration sectors to boost productivity and efficiency, but the biz might just need someone to run the same rules over its own bloated overheads.…
Worried your data protection strategy is dated? Don’t let a ransomware infection prove you right
Trust us – you need to tune into this Webcast Some say the best form of defense is offense. But when it comes to modern ransomware from cyber-crime orgs that are well-funded, possibly have state actor backing, and have your data under their control, just how offensive can you afford to be?…
Systems engineer community laments demise of much-loved LISA conference
USENIX will continue to create similar content for SREcon USENIX, the not-for-profit advanced computing association, has decided to put an end to its beloved LISA sysadmin conferences, at least as a standalone event.…
SolarWinds urges US judge to toss out crap infosec sueball: We got pwned by actual Russia, give us a break
Company says it didn't skimp on security before everything went wrong SolarWinds is urging a US federal judge to throw out a lawsuit brought against it by aggrieved shareholders who say they were misled about its security posture in advance of the infamous Russian attack on the business.…
Microsoft suspends free trials for Windows 365 after a day due to 'significant demand'
Potential customers or freeloaders to blame? Also: Everything coming up Dutch for one UK user A free two-month trial for Windows 365, a virtual PC running Windows 10 on Microsoft's Azure cloud, has been withdrawn after only a day having "reached capacity."…
LOL ;-) UK govt 2 pay £39m 4 txt msgs 4 less thn 2 yrs
Now that's an expensive contract The UK government has let nearly £40m in contracts to a single supplier for a text message, email, and "letter management" platform.…
Google: Linux kernel and its toolchains are underinvested by at least 100 engineers
Security not good enough, claims Chocolate Factory engineer Google's open security team has claimed the Linux kernel code is not good enough, with nearly 100 new fixes every week, and that at least 100 more engineers are needed to work on it.…
84-year-old fined €250,000 for keeping Nazi war machines – including tank – in basement
Spared prison but must give Panther and AA gun to collector or museum An 84-year-old German man has been fined €250,000 (£212,796.10) for keeping stockpiles of Second World War-era weaponry in his basement – including a 45-ton tank.…
Sueball over breach of more than 5 million payment cards at Dixons Carphone hit for six
Last claim standing relegated to the County Court after judge's ruling A Brit who tried to sue Dixons Carphone over the 2018 hack of 10 million customers' details, including 5.9 million payment cards, has had his case booted out of the High Court.…
Get ready to make processes fit the software when shifting to SAP's cloud, users told
Business teams might want to look at their operating models post-pandemic, user groups suggest SAP customers need to change the way they operate to shift their ERP systems to the cloud, according to the CEO of the Americas' SAP Users' group (ASUG).…
UK data watchdog sees its approach to government health tech during COVID-19 outbreak as 'pragmatic'
Pandemic also behind fall in breaches, according to ICO annual reaport The UK's data watchdog has defended its approach to regulating government health technologies during the pandemic as "pragmatic."…
Don't rush to adopt QUIC – it's a slog to make it faster than TCP
Boffins say their real-world tests show developers can make more of a difference than switching transport protocols Quick UDP Internet Connections (QUIC), the alternative to Transmission Control Protocol advanced as a fine way to speed up web traffic, struggles to deliver that outcome without considerable customisation.…
China tightens distributor cap after local outfits hoard automotive silicon then charge silly prices
State Administration of Market Supervision warns it's going after collusion to cash in on shortages Chinese antitrust watchdog, State Administration of Market Supervision (SAMR), announced Tuesday it has started investigating price gouging in the automotive chip market.…
US SEC chair calls for crypto regulation
Says digi-bucks are 'rife with fraud, scams, and abuse' that have created a 'Wild West' of speculation and naughtiness US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) chairman Gary Gensler has described cryptocurrency as "rife with fraud, scams, and abuse in certain applications" and called for more government regulation to protect investors in the assets.…
VMware starts customer testing for vSphere on network accelerators
Looks to be still figuring out what to do with it, rather than prepping product VMware has offered its customers the chance to use its flagship ESXi hypervisor running on SmartNICs.…
Chinese state media describes gaming as 'spiritual opium' that stunts education and destroys families
Tencent shares dive and company restricts hours of play China's government has again expressed its severe dislike of gaming, and one of the nation's major purveyors of such entertainment has reacted by limiting the time that can be spent on the pastime.…
Microsoft to require proof of vaccination from on-site staff, pushes back full reopening
Unless your doctor or god says you can't have the jab Not for the first time, Microsoft has followed Apple's lead and will not bring staff back to its offices until October at the earliest.…
Blizzard president, HR chief exit games giant in wake of sexual harassment uproar
Lawsuit, employee walkout elicit reform promises from Diablo goliath Activision Blizzard on Tuesday announced new leadership for Blizzard Entertainment group following a recent sex discrimination and harassment lawsuit filed by California's Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) and an employee walkout demanding better working conditions.…
International Space Station actually spun one-and-a-half times by errant Russian module's thrusters
540 degrees total, not just 45, NASA tells El Reg The International Space Station actually spun one and a half times last week after the just-docked Russian Nauka module unexpectedly fired its thrusters.…
Russia tells UN it wants vast expansion of cybercrime offenses, plus network backdoors, online censorship
And said entirely with a straight face, too Russia has put forward a draft convention to the United Nations ostensibly to fight cyber-crime.…
Stack Overflow survey: Microsoft IDEs dominate, GCP and Azure battle behind AWS
Most-used language? JavaScript, of course – though for a big salary, try Clojure Stack Overflow has published its latest developer survey, revealing widespread deployment of Microsoft's development tools as well as Google Cloud Platform and Azure jockeying behind AWS.…