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Updated 2024-10-12 22:00
Apple offends devs by asking for Developer Transition Kits back early, then offering them a measly $200 off an M1 Mac
They also have to use the credit before 31 May or lose it Apple has provoked the ire of its Mac developer community by asking for the early return of its ARM-powered Developer Transition Kit loaner computers.…
$13m funding for Scratchpad – a data input startup whose sole strength is pointing out Salesforce's weaknesses
Huh, where's our $13m then? Scratchpad, a startup based around easing Salesforce data input, has snared $13m in new funding, apparently without even really wanting to.…
Smells like Teams spirit: New platform Viva builds in all the tools Microsoft thinks staff need to succeed
Hello lonely. Let's get you feeling productive Microsoft's latest take on employment engagement, Viva, is aimed at cheering those working remotely with only Office and Teams for company.…
Nearly 70 years after America made einsteinium in its first full-scale thermo-nuke experiment, mystery element yields secrets of its chemistry
Atom bond length of Es measured for the first time Chemists have measured a fundamental chemical property of einsteinium, a mysterious and radioactive element that was discovered in the debris of America's first full-scale thermonuclear device test – the Ivy Mike shot in 1952.…
LibreOffice 7.1 Community released with support for M1 ARM Mac and 'user interface variants'
Community? 'The software isn’t changing at all. This is a label on the name, nothing else' The Document Foundation (TDF) has released LibreOffice 7.1 Community, while continuing to complain about free-loading enterprises who do not pay for support. The "community" label is an effort to steer them away, though it is not a cut-down version.…
AI brain drain to Google and pals threatens public sector's ability to moderate machine-learning bias
With top research talent focused on commercial AI goals where do we go? Boffins from Denmark and the UK have measured the AI brain drain and found that private industry really is soaking up tech talent at the expense of academia and public organizations.…
Brit IBM veteran wins unfair dismissal case after 2018's Global Technology Services redundancy bloodbath
Represented himself, but judge denies last-minute attempt to make it an age discrimination claim A long-serving IBMer has won an unfair dismissal lawsuit after representing himself against a qualified barrister – although his related discrimination claim was struck out by the judge.…
New CloudBees boss Stephen DeWitt wants to up the SaaS factor, wouldn't say no to IPO
Time to grow up and smell the dollars as founder Sacha Labourey steps back February's game of musical CEO chairs continued today with the appointment of Stephen DeWitt as boss of DevOps darling CloudBees.…
Just four titans share almost two thirds of global cloud infrastructure spend, with AWS and Microsoft dominant
Google and Alibaba playing catchup Sixty five per cent of all the money customers spent globally on infrastructure clouds in Q4 went into the pocket of AWS, Microsoft, Google and Alibaba, according to the latest research by analyst house Canalys.…
Chromium cleans up its act and daily DNS root server queries drop by 50 billion
That’s a 41% traffic relief for all concerned The Google-sponsored Chromium project has cleaned up its act and the result is a marked decline in queries to DNS root servers.…
Is there a widening gulf between you and your remote workers? Yes – and it’s security shaped
Tune in online this month and learn how to mind the security gap Webcast It’s been almost a year since large parts of the workforce beat a hasty retreat from their offices, and began a mass experiment in working from home, often courtesy of Microsoft 365.…
Nespresso smart cards hacked to provide infinite coffee after someone wasn't too perky about security
Older commercial machines rely on insecure Mifare Classic payments Some commercial Nespresso machines in Europe that incorporate a smart card payment system can be manipulated to add unlimited funds to purchase coffee, thanks to reliance on technology that's been known to be insecure for more than a decade.…
Microsoft runs 179 admin portals, says sysadmin supergroup
New site lists the ‘bit of a sprawl issue’ that Redmond offers the faithful A sysadmin supergroup has created a site that tries to list all of the portals Microsoft offers its users.…
Oracle sweetens Java SE subscriptions with a spoonful of free ‘GraalVM’ runtime said to significantly speed Java
Pre-compilation tech means faster startup and lower memory overhead, to make Java cool for microservices Oracle has sweetened its Java SE subscriptions by tossing in a free entitlement to use GraalVM, a new universal virtual machine that Big Red says runs just about anything faster, anywhere.…
Qualcomm reports profits up 165%, strong revenues... and its stock price dives. What's a chip biz to do?
People still itching to get our Snapdragons, CEO swears Qualcomm suffered an after-hours share drop on Wednesday after missing Wall Street's sales expectations, albeit not by much.…
Ever wanted to own a piece of the internet? Now you can: $1 for a whole gTLD... or $2.8m if you want a decent one
Uniregistry announces auction of 20+ dot-words with no minimum for some Anyone will be able to bid for a piece of the internet’s domain-name landscape this April – and for just $1 you could bag one of the more unpopular parts.…
Myanmar’s new military government bans Facebook
Oh look, Cloudflare spots a sudden surge in use of other messaging apps The new self-appointed military government of Myanmar has temporarily banned Facebook.…
No, you're not imagining the tech drought: Lenovo PC stocks one third of normal amid pandemic demand
'From US to Europe to China to Asia-Pacific, our channel inventory has never been so low' In a blow to anyone fighting over the scraps in the laptop market, Lenovo says it is running at between one third to a half of normal stock levels because it can’t keep up with relentlessly high demand for PCs.…
More patches for SolarWinds Orion after researchers find flaw allowing low-priv users to execute code, among others
Probably not used by last year's US government-busting attackers, though As if that supply chain attack wasn't bad enough, SolarWinds has had to patch its Orion software again after eagle-eyed researchers discovered fresh vulnerabilities – including one that can be exploited to achieve remote code execution.…
Ring, Ring, why don't you give me a call? Amazon-owned doorbells aren’t answering after large-scale outage
Turning smart homes into dumb ones Updated Ring is suffering a major outage with many of its video doorbells effectively dead, turning smart homes into very dumb ones.…
Burning platform: Linux Foundation swallows Magma, open source software for mobile networking kit
Liquid hot Facebook project tucked under penguin's wing The Linux Foundation has said it will join forces with Facebook’s Magma project, with the intent of building an open source mobile core network platform based on the software project.…
Project Bicep: Microsoft muscles in on Terraform's territory to manage Azure resources with code
'We are using the word experimental right now' Microsoft's Project Bicep, first demoed at the Ignite event last year and still described as "experimental", lets users define a set of Azure resources in code by using a domain-specific language.…
If you really must have Edge on your Apple M1 silicon, there's a compatible stable build for Microsoft's browser
It works – but the more 'exciting' stuff is in the Dev and Canary Channels Microsoft has added new features to Edge and released a stable channel version for Mac M1 users as it strives to make the browser more than a tool to download Chrome.…
UK's Superfast Broadband programme delivered value for money, says report, just don't ask about rural deployments
Which are – you guessed it – behind schedule An independent review of the coalition-era Superfast Broadband programme published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) today argues Britain received value for money, although some rural areas are still waiting for the cable guy.…
UK Test and Trace chief Dido Harding tries to convince MPs that £14m for canned mobile app was money well spent
Not like every expert didn't warn it. Also: Queen of Carnage confirms consultants were paid average of £1.1k a day Baroness Harding, head of the UK's NHS Test and Trace programme, has defended the money spent on the app it scrapped in June last year, saying £14m was not wasted.…
Same old complexity beneath Windows 10 Cloud Config means it's unlikely to compete with the likes of Chrome OS
Modernisation that happens to be an upsell to premium cloudy plans Analysis Microsoft has introduced a cloud configuration for Windows 10 with the claim of "easy to manage cloud endpoints," but complex manual steps and interaction with InTune management means it is unlikely to match Google's Chrome OS for ease of deployment.…
UK internet providers told to mind their MANRS and start following Border Gateway Protocol best practices
Advice is nice. But what it isn't is binding, says Akamai Britain's National Cyber Security Centre has urged internet service providers to adopt its Border Gateway Protocol best practice guide following a number of routing blunders over the past few years.…
Tiny Kobalos malware seen backdooring SSH tools, menacing supercomputers, an ISP, and more – ESET
Linux variant studied, dissected in detail in case you want to look out for it ESET researchers say they have found a lightweight strain of malware that targets multiple OSes and has hit supercomputers, an ISP, and other organisations.…
Canonical turns to Google framework for new installer, but community asks why not have a Flutter on GTK?
Bye bye Ubiquity, Subiquity: new unified installer will cover both desktop and server Canonical is building a new installer for Ubuntu using Google's cross-platform Flutter framework – but is facing questions about use of a non-native toolkit for such a key component.…
Video games were 'Eureka!' moment that helped boffins simulate neural activity on a single commodity GPU
'Procedural content' might offer a way forward for projects queueing up to use a supercomputer Researchers at the UK's University of Sussex have developed a way to boost neural activity simulations without reaching for expensive and scarce supercomputing resources.…
Location tracking report: X-Mode SDK still in wide use in Android apps despite Google ban
450 Android apps track location, 1.7bn downloads, 44% use X-Mode code: only 10% pulled off Play Store A report on Android apps that do location tracking identified 450 apps that use tracker SDKs, many of which use an SDK called X-Mode, which Apple and Google have banned, but are still in Google's Play Store.…
ThinkPad T14s AMD Gen 1: Workhorse that does the business – and dares you to push that red button
Thunk: The reassuring sound of a rugged, comfy biz computer Review Lenovo's ThinkPad range is a bit like a pair of sensible shoes. It might not look flashy but there's something comfortable about its configuration, and the recently released ThinkPad T14s Gen 1 AMD is no different.…
So Jeff Bezos is stepping back from Amazon to play with his space rockets. Who's this Andy Jassy chap?
Cloud supremo to become CEO of one of Earth's biggest super-corps Analysis Even though Amazon is one of the largest and most recognized companies in the world, such was the outsized stature of its CEO and founder Jeff Bezos that the ecommerce giant's actions have often been personally associated with him.…
Rubbish software security patches responsible for a quarter of zero-days last year
Google wants researchers, vendors to stop making attacks easy Enigma To limit the impact of zero-day vulnerabilities, Google security researcher Maddie Stone would like those developing software fixes to stop delivering shoddy patches.…
ByteDance sues Tencent over lack of link love on its messaging services
Is there anywhere in the world TikTok isn’t in trouble? ByteDance, the Chinese company that makes TikTok, has sued local rival Tencent for alleged monopoly practices.…
Time to start taking machine-learning security seriously, Microsoft boffin insists
Forget academic adversarial attacks and imagine if ML were the weakest link in the chain Enigma When Microsoft surveyed 28 organizations last year about how they viewed machine learning (ML) security, its researchers found that few firms gave the matter much thought.…
Google's cloud services lost $14.6bn over three years – and CEO Sundar Pichai likes that trajectory
Sees businesses signing up for long deals, confident the black ink will come Google’s various cloud services bled $14.6bn in losses in the past three years while also growing revenue to new heights.…
Microsoft backs Australia’s pay-for-news plan, risks massive blowback over a lousy $3bn and change
Promises to grease the skids for small business advertisers who get off Google and bound towards Bing Analysis Microsoft has backed Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code, a scheme the nation intends as a mechanism to make Google and Facebook pay local news publishers for the privilege of linking to their work to deliver a new funding mechanism for public interest journalism.…
Judging from all those packages y'all ordered, this shouldn't be a surprise: Amazon passes $100bn in quarterly sales for first time
Maybe we should start an online bookstore sometime The ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic helped Amazon record its first quarter to pass $100bn in revenue – and it grew profits 118 per cent.…
Alibaba Cloud turns its first-ever profit, shows its sales are a fifth of that of Amazon Web Services
Signals analytics, not IaaS, is the opportunity it wants to chase Alibaba says its cloud has become profitable for the first time.…
Musk see: Watch SpaceX's latest Starship rocket explode while trying to touch down
Still hoping to lob a zillionaire and three commoners into space in a commercial flight later this year Video The latest prototype of SpaceX's Starship rocket, the SN9, burst into flames as the vehicle attempted to land on Earth on Tuesday.…
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos to step down this summer, AWS boss Andy Jassy to step up
Multi-billionaire founder channels Bill Gates, will become exec chairman of cloud giant with gift shop on the side Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s founder and chief executive, will step down from his CEO role this summer, handing the job to the head of its AWS cloud computing division, Andy Jassy.…
Amazon coughs up $62m to shoo away claims it stole driver tips, cut pay rates without telling them
What a lovely company Amazon will pay $61.7m to drivers it is said to have screwed over by stealing their tips for three years, only stopping when America's Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched an investigation.…
ESA signs off on three more service modules for Moon mission – despite agency boss casting doubt on 2024 landing
Director General injects some reality into the lunar landing schedule The European Space Agency has signed off on three more European Service Modules for NASA's Orion spacecraft, taking the total to be delivered to six.…
Microsoft's Azure Quantum hits preview: Not so much quantum computing as it is quantum-inspired computing
You'll have to go to one of Redmond's partners for something less simulated The hype-o-meter has gone up a notch with the arrival of Azure Quantum in Public Preview.…
'Small, mischievous' Linux backdoor malware spotted targeting supercomputers
But you can thwart it with MFA Researchers from Slovakian infosec firm ESET have uncovered a new strain of Linux malware that targets high-performance computing clusters – aka supercomputers – running OSes including Linux, Solaris, and IBM AIX.…
In Rust we trust: Shoring up Apache, ISRG ditches C, turns to wunderkind lang for new TLS crypto module
Elder server httpd to be revitalized with Google-funded memory-safe add-on At almost 26 years old, the Apache HTTP Server, known as httpd, has a memory problem: it is written in C, a language known among other things for its lack of memory safety.…
Funding frenzy from AWS, Microsoft, Google, Salesforce pumps ex-Hadoop wrangler Databricks' value to $28bn
Oof, that's gotta hurt for Cloudera, which is sitting at a paltry $4.6bn Databricks, the company behind open-source big data tool Apache Spark, has sucked up a $1bn investment round courtesy of AWS, Microsoft, Google, and more.…
There's no 'I' in Teams so Microsoft issues 6-month warning for laggards still on Skype for Business Online
The axeman cometh The sound of a blade being sharpened in Redmond could be heard this week as Microsoft issued a six-month warning for Skype for Business Online.…
Atos shares rebound briefly as biz decides acquiring DXC is probably not worth the bother
HPE cut off its own arm to escape infrastructure services Atos shares spiked this morning after it confirmed that negotiations to purchase DXC Technology are dead in the water.…