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Updated 2024-10-14 01:45
Primetime January 6 hearing shows set-piece TV can still pack a punch
First of public Capitol attack hearings delivered precision and panache – and a narrative arc designed for maximum effectIt was one of the more unexpected takeaways of the night: in the age of six-second videos and frenetic social media posts around the clock, primetime set-piece television can still land a punch.The first of the public hearings from the US congressional committee investigating the insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington by extremist supporters of Donald Trump on 6 January last year was delivered with all the choreographed panache of an old-school TV spectacular or the Super Bowl. Continue reading...
Man shot and killed after scuffle with Alabama elementary school police officer
Local sheriff reported the man was checking doors to the building and tried to take officer’s gun when confrontedA man who tried to break into an Alabama elementary school was shot and killed during a physical altercation with a school police officer, as communities across the US remain on the alert for attacks after the massacre in Uvalde, Texas.The man, identified as Robert Tyler White, 32, of Bunnlevel, North Carolina, was fatally shot on Thursday morning outside the Walnut Park elementary school in Gadsden, about 60 miles north-east of Birmingham, local media reported. Continue reading...
Ministers want Britain to be more like Netflix: debt-ridden and fast losing fans | Marina Hyde
Only a government in full flight from reality would use the troubled streaming service as its go-to aspirational touchstoneI wonder which of Thursday’s developments will turn out to be more significant – Boris Johnson’s honkingly incoherent speech in Blackpool, or the same day’s news that Palantir is on track to become the underlying operating system for the entire NHS. This globally controversial black box of a company is already heavily embedded in the security, defence and intelligence sectors, as well as in mass surveillance and predictive policing. A number of sources confirm to the Financial Times that it’s now frontrunner to end up as the sole private firm the NHS would rely on for vital functions. “Once Palantir is in,” warned one person familiar with its expansion plans, “how are you going to remove them?” Anyway, prime minister: you were burbling something about tariffs on bananas … ?“Sometimes the best way that government can help is simply to get out of the way,” gibbered Johnson yesterday, having absolutely refused to get out of the way when 41% of his own MPs asked him to do so earlier this week. “To do less or better, or simply not at all.” Admittedly, no one could question the PM’s commitment to doing nothing much at all, given how strikingly little he has achieved thus far, and how alarmingly nonexistent his ideas for tackling various crises seem to be. Despite his best efforts to look busy – now more than ever – Johnson hasn’t been. Yet the country has rolled on, after a fashion. One inference is that real power has increasingly migrated away from No 10 Downing Street. Maybe they should have a leaving do for it.Marina Hyde is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
New billionaire LeBron James says he wants to own an NBA team in Las Vegas
After the election results in California, the left must organize and fight | Ben Davis
Progressive movements that have built power in cities across the country are facing a well-financed backlash from entrenched interests they vowed to fixThere are a few clear lessons from the recent primary elections in California. The first is that California is still a one-party state. The second is that once partisanship is removed in the eyes of voters, conservative forces have a lot of room to operate. Despite their failure at a federal level, conservative forces are on the move in California using a playbook that will be repeated across the country.In California’s top statewide races, Democrats easily finished with a large majority of votes across the board, with Republicans struggling to even approach 40% of the statewide vote. As recently as a decade ago, Republicans in California could threaten Democrats when they had an advantage in the national climate. Today, there’s effectively no threat of Republicans being involved in state-level governing. Republicans may pick up a few seats in California if there ends up being a massive Republican wave this fall, but they are still a defeated force at the federal and state level in all but a few pockets of California.Ben Davis works in political data in Washington DC. He worked on the data team for the Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign and is an active member of the Democratic Socialists of America Continue reading...
How was the first January 6 hearing? Our panel weighs in | Panel
On Thursday, the first of long-anticipated public hearings on January 6 were aired. What did we learn from them?There’s a very particular, very specific chill we feel when our worst suspicions have been confirmed, when our darkest fears and imaginings turn out to be mere shadows of reality. I – and many others, I assume – felt that chill while watching the first installment of the report on the hearings of the House Select Committee on the January 6 insurrection.Francine Prose is the author, most recently, of The Vixen. She was also the president of PEN AmericaLloyd Green is an attorney in New York. He was opposition research counsel to George HW Bush’s 1988 campaign and served in the Department of Justice from 1990 to 1992Simon Balto is an assistant professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-MadisonGeoffrey Kabaservice is the director of political studies at the Niskanen Center in Washington, DC as well as the author of Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican party Continue reading...
January 6 hearing: Trump was at heart of plot that led to ‘attempted coup’
House panel makes case in primetime broadcast, revealing Trump said perhaps Mike Pence deserved to be hanged by rioters
Feel the benefit: union workers receive far better pay and rights, Congress finds
Study shows unionized workers earn 10.2% more than non-union peers, amid wave of organizing at some of largest US employersWorkers represented by labor unions earn 10.2% higher wages than their non-union peers, have better benefits and collectively raise wages industry-wide, according to a report released by the House and Senate committees on Friday and first shared with the Guardian.Joe Biden has pledged to be the most pro-union president in generations, and the report outlining the economic benefits of union membership was released as his administration pushes for legislative and executive-action efforts to support workers’ rights to organize. Continue reading...
Trump supported chants for Pence to be hanged, Capitol panel hears | First Thing
House select committee hears evidence that then president expressed approval of rioters calling for his VP to be punished. Plus, how average summer temperatures are rising across the US
The findings of the January 6 investigation are damning | Moira Donegan
The incitement of the coup on January 6 was an attempt to overturn the election and remain in power by forceIn a way, the lack of Republican cooperation with the January 6th Committee was a blessing. When Democrats first moved to launch an investigation into the insurrection, Mitch McConnell and his fellow Senate Republicans wouldn’t allow a bicameral committee. Then House Republicans boycotted taking part in the investigation, refusing to let it be a bipartisan one. Ultimately, only two Republicans joined on the 9-member panel. In the end, the only elected Republican who spoke during the opening evening of the January 6 Committee’s hearings on Thursday night was Liz Cheyney, of Wyoming.But the largely one-party nature of the committee has its advantages: the absence of Republicans also means the absence of obstruction. The result was something very different from what Americans are used to seeing from Congressional hearings: a substantive, honest, and thorough accounting of an event of massive civic urgency. While most Congressional hearings are a showboating circus, with different members attempting to obfuscate the issues at hand, derail the proceedings with non-sequiturs, or cultivate clips that can be played in their next campaign ad, the January 6 hearing, by contrast, was a lucid, methodical, disciplined, and well-choreographed presentation of the investigation’s findings.Moira Donegan is a Guardian US columnist Continue reading...
What happens when you don’t punish insurrectionists? | Steve Phillips
We must not repeat the mistakes of the years after the 1860s war for white supremacy that we call the civil warThe last time the United States failed to properly punish insurrectionists, they went on to form the Ku Klux Klan, unleash a reign of murderous domestic terrorism, and re-establish formal white supremacy in much of the country for more than 100 years. As the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack begins televised hearings this week, the lessons from the post-civil war period offer an ominous warning for this current moment and where we go from here.It is often difficult to sustain the requisite sense of urgency about past events, however dramatic and shocking they may have been at the time. Memories fade, new challenges arise and the temptation to put it all behind us and move on is strong. On top of all that, Republicans quickly and disingenuously called for “unity”, mere days after failing to block the the peaceful transfer of power. If we want to preserve our fragile democracy, however, Congress and the president must learn from history and not make the same mistakes their predecessors did in the years after the 1860s war for white supremacy that we call the civil war.Steve Phillips is the founder of Democracy in Color and author of Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority Continue reading...
Unseen footage of January 6 played in House committee hearing – video
The House select committee investigating the assault on the US Capitol in January 2021 said Donald Trump was at the centre of a sprawling conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election that culminated in an 'attempted coup'. Their presentation featured never-before-seen video from the attack by extremist Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol to try to stop Congress certifying Joe Biden’s win
Capitol riot: House committee shown dramatic evidence of 'attempted coup' – video report
The first primetime hearing from the House select committee investigating the 6 January riot presented gut-wrenching footage of the insurrection, and a range of testimony to build a case that the attack on the Capitol was a planned coup fomented by Donald Trump
Sheryl Sandberg isn’t the first woman to realise that work in your 50s is no walk in the park | Gaby Hinsliff
Reaching 50 brings with it all kinds of unforeseen hurdles. No wonder so many women who can afford to are quitting altogetherSheryl Sandberg is leaning out. The queen of “can do” American feminism is quitting Meta (formerly Facebook) after 14 years at the top of one of the world’s most powerful companies, for a future that sounds suspiciously vague. Apparently she wants to focus on feminist philanthropy, plus “parenting our extended family of five children”. (Having been widowed seven years ago, Sandberg will remarry this summer and will help raise her fiance Tom Bernthal’s children plus her own two teenagers.) What happened, some wonder, to the woman who in her bestselling book Lean In urged other working mothers to just push themselves harder?Perhaps she simply wants out of an increasingly toxic industry, accused of inadvertently fuelling hate speech, conspiracy theories and poisonous populist movements around the globe. For months Silicon Valley has buzzed with rumours that Sandberg, a committed Hillary Clinton supporter, was more troubled than other executives by social media’s seeming role in the rise of Donald Trump, and that she was simultaneously losing internal arguments about its future. She stressed her closeness to founder Mark Zuckerberg in her resignation statement. But that won’t stop speculation that she has had enough, and would rather spend the billions earned defending this morally sticky wicket on more uplifting causes. Her Lean In charitable foundation had, she said, never mattered more to her, “given how critical this moment is for women”, a nod perhaps to the gut feeling many American women have of hard-won female progress sliding into reverse.Gaby Hinsliff is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
January 6 hearing: five key takeaways from the first primetime Capitol attack inquiry
The House select committee presented their findings that the US Capitol attack was the ‘culmination of an attempted coup’The first primetime hearing from the House select committee investigating January 6 presented gut-wrenching footage of the insurrection, and a range of testimony to build a case that the attack on the Capitol was a planned coup fomented by Donald Trump.After a year and half investigation, the committee sought to emphasize the horror of the attack and hold the former president and his allies accountable. Continue reading...
House January 6 panel shows it still has surprises in store in televised hearing
Analysis: Committee presented evidence that Trump said Pence ‘deserved’ hanging and Republicans in Congress sought pardonsThe House select committee investigating the January 6 insurrection proved on Thursday night that it still has bombshells to share with the country despite a year of inquiry and intermittent revelations from behind closed doors.In its first public hearing, in prime time, the committee also laid the groundwork for its argument that Donald Trump played a central role in the planning of the deadly insurrection. Continue reading...
‘We need to be in the know’: Arizona veterans hold January 6 watch party
Event at bowling and billiard joint in downtown Phoenix was one of dozens taking place across the countryThe beer was flowing as the televised public hearing on the January 6 attack on the Capitol got under way in Phoenix, Arizona, at a watch party organised by veterans ashamed and angry at the attempted coup.The party took place at an air-conditioned bowling and billiard joint in downtown Phoenix, where it was still 107F (42C) outside when the historic broadcast kicked off at 5pm local time. About 50 people sat around in the sports bar, watching Bill Barr and Ivanka Trump on 20 TV screens that usually show ball games and boxing matches. Continue reading...
As America watched Capitol attack testimony, Fox News gave an alternate reality
Tucker Carlson leads January 6 counter-programming, petulantly refusing to show the hearing: ‘We’re not playing along’The millions of people who tuned into America’s main television channels on Thursday heard how the January 6 insurrection was “the culmination of an attempted coup”, a “siege” where violent Trump supporters mercilessly attacked police, causing politicians and staffers to run for their lives.On the Fox News channel, however, there was a different take on the historic congressional hearings exploring the attack on the Capitol in Washington DC. Continue reading...
Goodie bag to promote US industry contained ‘Made in China’ gifts
President Joe Biden and Google chief Sundar Pichai among attendees offered free bag at development summitA swag bag dished out by the American chamber of commerce to promote US industry at an international summit wasn’t quite on message – with some gifts bearing the slogan “Made in China”.Delegates and attendees at the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles this week have been plied with all manner of freebies and samples from various groups wanting to push their agenda. Continue reading...
Vivid retelling brings horror of January 6 back to scene of the crime
Liz Cheney was the star prosecutor in a primetime indictment of Donald Trump’s attempt to illegally cling to power but will the audience stay for episode two?It was too much to take. Too much for a second time.As the cavernous room filled with ugly cries and chants, police radio pleas for help, images of a human herd driven by a crazed impulse to beat police, smash windows and storm the US Capitol, survivors of that day held hands and wept. Continue reading...
‘It was a war scene’: Caroline Edwards describes Capitol attack violence
The Capitol police officer, who was injured in the insurrection, said she saw colleagues ‘bleeding, on the ground, throwing up’Caroline Edwards, a Capitol police officer who sustained a brain injury during the January 6 attack, gave a chilling recollection of the brutal violence of that day on Thursday, telling the committee investigating the attack it was a “war scene”.Her testimony offered key evidence for underscoring the stakes of the congressional hearing. It showed viewers at home that the attack on the Capitol in Washington DC was not an accident, but rather an intentional effort to inflict violence. Continue reading...
How a documentary film-maker became the January 6 panel’s star witness
Nick Quested, who was embedded with the Proud Boys after the 2020 election, will supply first-hand knowledge of the riotsWhen the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack on Thursday got to the witness testimony at its inaugural hearing, it heard from an individual with first-hand knowledge about how the far-right Proud Boys group came to storm the Capitol.The panel’s star witness, Nick Quested, is an Emmy award-winning British documentary film-maker who founded the indie film company Goldcrest and embedded with the Proud Boys in the weeks after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election as part of a project about division in America. Continue reading...
'Complete nonsense': William Barr and Ivanka Trump reject Trump's fraud claims – video
Ivanka Trump told the House committee into the 6 January insurrection she was persuaded by the then attorney general, William Barr, that there was no widespread fraud in the election. 'I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he was saying,' she said. The House was played a recording of Barr saying he saw no evidence of voting fraud or issues with the Dominion voting machines, calling Donald Trump’s public claims 'complete nonsense'. 'I told them that it was that it was crazy stuff and they were wasting their time on that and it was doing a great grave disservice to the country,' he said.
January 6 hearing: hard-hitting evidence puts Trump at heart of assault on democracy – as it happened
Ivanka Trump says she does not believe father’s claim 2020 election was stolen
Ex-president’s daughter tells House January 6 panel she accepted William Barr’s view that voter fraud claims had ‘zero basis’January 6 hearings – follow liveDonald Trump’s daughter and White House adviser Ivanka Trump told the congressional panel investigating the insurrection at the US Capitol on 6 January 2021, that she does not believe her father’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from him because of voting fraud.Ivanka Trump was seen in a video deposition, shown to the public for the first time during the first hearing of the House panel. Continue reading...
Three employees killed and one injured in shooting at Maryland business, police say
Washington county sheriff said a state trooper also shot in Smithsburg, a town in western MarylandAn employee opened fire at a manufacturing business in rural western Maryland on Thursday, killing three co-workers before the shooter and a state trooper were wounded in a shootout, authorities said.Sheriff Doug Mullendore of Washington county said that three victims were found dead at Columbia Machine Inc in Smithsburg and a fourth victim was critically injured. Continue reading...
Sriracha lovers burned as maker halts production due to pepper shortage
California-based Huy Fong Inc says the shortage is due to drought affecting its peppers – will it lead to battles in condiment aisles?A looming Sriracha shortage has hot sauce lovers feeling fiery, after the maker of the popular condiment said it was suspending sales over the summer due to a shortage of chili peppers.Southern California-based Huy Fong Inc confirmed that its beloved products, including Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, Chili Garlic and Sambal Oelek, would be affected, according to Bloomberg. Continue reading...
Patrick Lyoya: Michigan police officer charged with second-degree murder
Officer Christopher Schurr shot Black man in back of head after traffic stop in Grand Rapids video-recorded by bystander
LIV Series offers no sign of revolution against backdrop of golf’s civil war | Ewan Murray
The Saudi-backed series began with an inaugural event that was quickly overshadowed by the PGA Tour’s reactionBalls in the air, missives in the post. Thirty minutes of the inaugural LIV Golf event had been played when a bulletin from Ponte Vedra overshadowed anything that was about to happen at the Centurion Club. Greg Norman stands with the banned of the PGA Tour.The Australian had been all smiles on the 1st tee as Dustin Johnson, Scott Vincent and Phil Mickelson appeared as the marquee group. Speaking before making his way on to the course, Norman admitted his desire to take on golf’s ecosystem had been something of a crusade. His action was guaranteed to prompt a PGA Tour reaction. It duly did. Continue reading...
Plus fours and black cabs: the first LIV Golf Series event – in pictures
Our photographer was at the Centurion Club in Hertfordshire for the first event in the new and controversial Saudi-backed LIV Golf Series Continue reading...
Facebook fails test to detect violent hate speech in global ads – again
Research group finds Ethiopian hate ads pass social network’s moderation filters, a troubling find after Myanmar genocideThe test couldn’t have been much easier – and Facebook still failed.Facebook and its parent company Meta flopped once again in a test of how well they could detect obviously violent hate speech in advertisements submitted to the platform by the non-profit groups Global Witness and Foxglove. Continue reading...
Ian Poulter says he will appeal after PGA Tour bans LIV Series players
Four US Marines killed and one missing following aircraft crash in California desert
Osprey aircraft was carrying five Marines when it went down during training in a remote area east of San DiegoFour Marines were killed and another is missing after an Osprey aircraft crashed in the southern California desert, a military official said on Thursday.The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is still ongoing. No additional details were available. Continue reading...
US justice department to investigate Louisiana State Police following 2019 death of Ronald Greene
Justice department launches civil rights investigation after beatings and death of a Black man placed in a chokeholdThe US Department of Justice has announced a federal civil rights investigation into the Louisiana State Police following a series of brutality cases and the fatal beating of a Black motorist, Ronald Greene, in 2019.The sweeping investigation will examine whether the police force has engaged in a “pattern or practice” of excessive force and racial discrimination. It marks the first time in more than two decades America’s justice department has investigated a statewide law enforcement agency. Continue reading...
Panel to connect Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in Capitol attack conspiracy
Sources say investigators intend to show far-right militias coordinated in effort to storm US Capitol on January 6 last yearThe House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is expected at its first hearing on Thursday evening to connect the far-right Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers militia groups in the same seditious conspiracy, according to two sources familiar with the matter.The move by the panel and chief investigative counsel Tim Heaphy could be one of the major revelations that comes from the hearing, which is expected to focus on the militia groups and how they made plans to storm the Capitol, the sources said. Continue reading...
Michigan candidate for governor arrested for participating in Capitol riot
Republican Ryan Kelley was caught on video shouting ‘this is war’ on the steps of the CapitolA Republican standing for governor of Michigan has been arrested by the FBI for disorderly and disruptive conduct related to his alleged involvement in the storming of the US Capitol building on 6 January 2021.Ryan Kelley was arrested on Thursday morning while his house near Grand Rapids was searched by federal agents, the Detroit News reported. An indictment released by the US district court for Washington DC, which is handling most of the criminal cases arising out of the January 6 insurrection, charged Kelley with “disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds”. Continue reading...
Washington Commanders coach sorry after calling Capitol attack a ‘dust-up’
Pressure mounts on Senate to act on gun safety amid Republican resistance
Relatives of victims urge action while group of over 220 CEOS send joint letter pushing Senate to address gun violencePressure is mounting on the US Senate to act on gun safety in the wake of the Uvalde and Buffalo massacres, as Republican intransigence continues to stand in the way of all but modest reforms.On Wednesday the House of Representatives passed a package of gun safety measures designed to staunch the disaster of mass shootings. The extent of Republican resistance was underlined by the fact that only five out of 208 House Republicans voted for the legislation. Continue reading...
The west’s calls for a total victory in Ukraine can lead only to ruinous escalation | Simon Jenkins
Whatever settlement is reached to end the war, it will be a compromise, no matter the talk of unwavering supportAs war in Ukraine drifts out of the headlines, it reaches a point of maximum danger. Can the parties be led towards compromise and settlement, or will their desperation, coupled with war fever by nonparticipants, drive the conflict into wider escalation and risk of catastrophe?The British government has offered Kyiv what it calls unwavering support. Boris Johnson has thus delegated his policy on Ukraine to Kyiv’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy. This includes the ambition to drive Russian troops from all of Ukrainian soil, including Crimea and Donbas. Russia’s weight of numbers is already making such total victory and a return to pre-2014 borders ever less plausible. It would also require a massive uplift in western aid over a long period of time. Russia’s foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, has already dubbed it the US’s proxy war against Russia.Simon Jenkins is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
What to know about the public January 6 committee hearings
House panel investigating the Capitol attack will hold six public hearings where it will unveil new evidence against TrumpThe House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is scheduled on Thursday to hold the first of six public hearings where it will unveil new evidence collected against Donald Trump and a range of other operatives over the course of its 10-month inquiry.The congressional investigation into the events of January 6, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election win, has said it has evidence to suggest Trump violated the law to overturn the 2020 election results. Continue reading...
January 6 hearings: who are the key players on the House committee?
The panel features Democrats and Republicans and counts on a staff of investigators who have interviewed over 1,000 witnessesThe House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is scheduled on Thursday to hold its first of six public hearings where it will unveil new evidence collected against Donald Trump and a range of other operatives over the course of its 10-month inquiry.The congressional investigation into the events of January 6, when a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election win, has said it has evidence to suggest Trump violated the law to overturn the 2020 election results. Continue reading...
January 6 hearings: key themes of US Capitol attack investigation
The underlying questions will be how deeply Trump was involved, did he break the law and is there enough evidence for chargesThe House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol attack is expected to touch on a number of key themes as it runs through six public hearings where it will make the case that Donald Trump violated the law as he sought to overturn the 2020 election results.The panel has already said – and won – in court that it believed Trump and his top advisers conspired to obstruct a congressional proceeding and defrauded the United States, as part of an effort to obtain otherwise privileged documents. Continue reading...
Why the televised hearings on the January 6 insurrection will be historic | Robert Reich
They will mark a milestone in the battle between democracy and autocracy. Everyone should tune in and watch themThe televised hearings of the House select committee on the January 6 insurrection, which begin Thursday, mark an historic milestone in the battle between democracy and autocracy. The events that culminated in the attack on the Capitol constitute the first attempted presidential coup in our nation’s 233-year history.To a large degree, the success of these hearings will depend on the Wyoming Republican congresswoman and vice-chair of the committee, Liz Cheney.more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,” and concluded that Trump and Eastman “launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history […] The illegality of the plan was obvious.”Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few and The Common Good. His new book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It, is out now. He is a Guardian US columnist. His newsletter is at robertreich.substack.com Continue reading...
Republicans keep passing extreme anti-abortion bans without popular support. Here’s why
Most Americans don’t want abortion bans but gerrymandering allows politicians to face little accountabilityHello, and happy Thursday,As states have passed a wave of increasingly extreme abortion restrictions in recent years, a sort of puzzling contradiction has emerged. The American public broadly supports the right to an abortion, public polling has shown, yet politicians who pass these controversial restrictions are consistently re-elected. Why is that?Jim Marchant, a QAnon linked candidate running to be Nevada’s chief election official, is seeking his party’s nomination in the GOP primary on Tuesday.Voters with disabilities are suing Alabama for offering inadequate access to absentee ballots for people who are blind Continue reading...
It is in the best interests of Ukraine, and the west, to end this war as soon as possible | Christopher S Chivvis
Ukraine doesn’t win this war on the battlefield. It wins by building itself into a prosperous, post-conflict democracyHawks in Washington continue to press Joe Biden to get even more deeply involved in the war in Ukraine. They want more military equipment for Kiev and more maximalist military and political objectives, which range from pushing Russia entirely out of Ukraine, to carving up Russia, to the removal of President Putin himself. They’re right that Russia should lose the war and that Ukraine should win it. But they’re wrong about how to get there.Ukrainian and Russian forces are now in a slow, grinding war. Both have taken major losses, but Ukrainian casualties have been especially high. In the coming weeks, Russia might consolidate its position in the eastern Donbas region, Ukraine might scrape back a little more territory, or the fighting might come to a halt.Christopher S Chivvis is the director of the Carnegie Endowment’s Program on American Statecraft and a former US national intelligence officer Continue reading...
R Kelly should get at least 25 years in prison, prosecutors say
R&B superstar used his fame to systematically ‘prey upon children and young women’, prosecutors wrote in the filingR Kelly, the R&B superstar known for his anthem I Believe I Can Fly, deserves at least 25 years behind bars for sexually abusing women and girls, prosecutors said in a memo filed Wednesday in advance of his sentencing later this month.A New York City jury found Kelly guilty of racketeering and multiple other counts last year at a sex-trafficking trial that was seen as a signature moment in the #MeToo movement. Prosecutors alleged that the entourage of managers and aides who helped Kelly meet girls – and ensure their obedience – amounted to a criminal enterprise. Continue reading...
The disappearance of journalist Dom Phillips in Brazil should leave you incandescent with rage | Lucy Jordan
Jair Bolsonaro’s dog-whistle politics is risking the lives of Indigenous people and the reporters who tell their storiesIt’s now more than four days since veteran Brazil correspondent Dom Phillips and Indigenous expert Bruno Araújo Pereira disappeared in the Javari Valley, a remote part of the western Amazon thought to have the world’s highest concentration of uncontacted people.Pereira, a longtime defender of Indigenous rights who previously worked for Funai, Brazil’s government Indigenous rights agency, had reportedly received threats for his work monitoring illegal activities in the region. Continue reading...
Boston kept faith when hard times hit. Now they’re two wins from a title
On Wednesday night, the Celtics were rewarded in a big way for sticking with their core of Jaylen Brown and Jayson Tatum through mid-season trade rumblingsThe season was only a dozen games old when Boston Celtics president of basketball operations Brad Stevens swatted away rumors that the team was looking to trade its forward, Jaylen Brown. Those rumors persisted into January, as the team entered the new year with an under .500 record, and concerns mounted over whether Brown and his fellow all-star, Jayson Tatum, could co-exist.On Wednesday night, as the Celtics bested the Golden State Warriors 116-100 to take a 2-1 lead in the NBA finals, those trade rumors felt prehistoric – or at least as dated as the original Jurassic Park. Continue reading...
Reliance Industries and Apollo Global Management in £5bn bid for Boots
Mukesh Ambani teams up with US private equity fund, with Walgreens expected to retain minority stakeIndian billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries has teamed up with US private equity fund Apollo Global Management to make a £5bn bid for the UK’s Boots chain.The pharmacy and beauty retailer’s current owner, US group Walgreens, which has controlled Boots since 2012, is expected to keep a minority stake under the deal. Continue reading...
Florida man bit by alligator after mistaking reptile for ‘dog with a long leash’
Man is expected to make full recovery after an alligator hiding in bushes bit him on the legA Florida man who mistook an alligator for a dog on a leash is expected to make a full recovery after being badly beaten by the 7ft-long reptile.Authorities in the state said the encounter began in the early hours of the morning after a man near a motel in North Port spotted what he thought was a dog in the bushes. Continue reading...