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Updated 2024-10-06 12:45
‘The beginning of Black liberation’: photographs tell the real story of the Mississippi Delta
The work of Justin Hardiman documents the lives of Black southern farmers, long sidelined in mainstream narrativesOn a hot afternoon in June, four people stood in the lobby of Travelers Hotel off Third Street in Clarksdale, Mississippi, each taking in the images that lined its walls. The photographs are part of Soil, an exhibition depicting Black farmers in the Mississippi Delta.The town's art and culture district, where Travelers Hotel is located, serves as a living monument to the region's history - with signs, murals and banners every few feet that immortalize famous current and former residents, such as Early Wright, the first Black disc jockey in Mississippi, and the musicians Leo Welch and Kingfish" Ingram. If Mississippi is known as the birthplace of America's music, Clarksdale is the home of the blues. Continue reading...
Barrage of hate from far-right Trumpists to Sikh prayer at Republican convention
Toxic response to prayer from pro-Trump Harmeet Dhillon, leading figure on Republican national committeeA toxic, racist, far-right response to Harmeet Dhillon's Monday-night Sikh prayer at the Republican national convention is just one sign of the difficulties Donald Trump and Republicans have in selling a more diverse version of Trumpism to the party's base.Social media posts following Dhillon's prayer indicated that some far-right Trumpists had been polarized by the sight of a non-Christian form of religious devotion on the convention stage in Milwaukee. Continue reading...
WNBA players union chief fears $2.2bn media deal undervalues league
‘What just happened?’ Jonathan Tamayo wins World Series of Poker and $10m
Biden cancels public events after testing positive for Covid | First Thing
Pressure rising once again for Biden to step aside in election race after president tested positive for Covid and cancelled events to self-isolate at his home in Delaware. Plus: the power of proprioception
I know how to improve the Olympics. First up, the burger-stacking contest | Jay Rayner
I'm not one for competitive sport but if the Games added the long lunch mixed doubles I'd be in with a shoutIn a few days the Paris Olympics will begin. This should be a moment of true joy and excitement but, honestly, I'm not feeling it. This is because I find the whole sporting shebang terribly unrelatable. It's about people who can jump high, throw things a long way or run fast. I can do none of these things; I haven't run anywhere since that unfortunate incident during cross-country in 1980. The Olympics weren't always like this. From 1912 to 1948, they included cultural contests in things such as painting, music, literature and town planning. That's more inclusive but I'm still not sure I'd thrive. I'm not up to planning a whole town under competition conditions.What's needed, so that people like me can get involved, is a food aspect. I am of course aware there are already a bunch of competitions that style themselves as culinary Olympiads, but those mostly involve intense, young people in chefs whites fashioning the Wreck of the Hesperus out of pulled sugar and aspic, or a fully functioning submarine entirely out of chocolate. That's about as relatable as a bout of acrobatic gymnastics to the theme from Succession. Continue reading...
To his supporters, Trump is a martyred messiah, resurrected after crucifixion | Sidney Blumenthal
His near assassination transformed Trump's theology, giving the decidedly earthly ex-president a powerful spiritual sheenThe attempted assassination of Donald Trump has transformed the theology of Trump. He has long portrayed himself as an innocent lamb falsely accused, the target of slings and arrows to bear the suffering of believers. Now the bullet and the blood of Butler, Pennsylvania, have sanctified him for the faithful and brought forth a new gospel.Earlier this month, the Republican National Committee endorsed the party platform, a document that contained a plank pledging to create a new federal agency to defend Christian nationalism: To protect Religious Liberty, Republicans support a new Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias that will investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America." The document casts Christians as though they are a sect still persecuted by the Romans, about to be dragged into the Colosseum to face ferocious beasts.As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts - The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.'s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia Perfect" Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden's Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!Sidney Blumenthal, former senior adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, has published three books of a projected five-volume political life of Abraham Lincoln: A Self-Made Man, Wrestling With His Angel and All the Powers of Earth. He is a Guardian US columnist Continue reading...
Why the Trump attack has spawned myriad conspiracies theories – from left and right alike | Colin Dickey
When we can't make sense of a dramatic event, fake news pedlars rush to social media to fill the information gapAccusations that the assassination attempt on Saturday was staged have proliferated all over social media. Many on the left are arguing that the attack was meant to garner pity for Trump and ensure a kind of Reichstag fire" scenario so Trump could seize power unilaterally. Many of these focused on the photos of Trump in the immediate aftermath, his fist raised in defiance, as evidence that the entire event was set up to garner sympathy and show the ex-president as unbowed. Meanwhile, on the right, rumours swirled that it was an assassination attempt by President Biden - on Sunday, Alex Jones blasted out an email with a subject line that read in part: Desperate Deep State Will Try to Assassinate Trump Again".None of this is surprising - the United States has a long history of presidential assassination and assassination attempts, and a long love affair with conspiracy theories of all kinds. But the ease with which conspiracists of all political alignments have been able to assimilate Saturday's shocking, unexpected news with their preformed opinions tells us what political conspiracy theories do for people and how they operate. Continue reading...
American rule of law is vanishing at the tips of Trump-appointed judges’ pens | Moira Donegan
Judge Cannon acted like part of Trump's defense team. Her dismissal of his documents case is predictable yet disturbingDonald Trump stole thousands of classified documents when he left the White House in 2021, according to prosecutors, and shoved them in unsecured areas around the tacky Florida golf club where he lives. He kept them in basements, bathrooms and ballrooms; they were often unlocked, accessible to anyone who happened to wander by, as dozens or hundreds of people do, every day, at Mar-a-Lago. Trump refused to return the documents when asked; he also lied about what he had.On at least one occasion in 2021, he was recorded showing off one of the classified documents to a visitor, apparently for the sake of his own aggrandizement. It is like highly confidential. Secret," Trump said to the man, who was not authorized to see the information. See, as president, I could have declassified it. Now, I can't, but this is still a secret." Continue reading...
A New York accent in ancient Rome? So what, it’s no less accurate than speaking in RP | Rebecca Rideal
Denzel Washington has been accused of inauthenticity in Gladiator II. But why is upper-class, southern English considered the norm?Whose head could I give you that would satisfy this fury?" asks Denzel Washington's crafty Macrinus in the long-awaited trailer for Ridley Scott's Gladiator II. With its medley of aquatic gladiatorial games and charging battle rhinos, a vengeful Paul Mescal, a wearied Pedro Pascal, imperial Rome's answer to Tweedledum (Joseph Quinn) and Tweedledee (Fred Hechinger), and Connie Nielsen providing an enticing link to the previous film, the trailer looks and sounds epic. So of course some viewers have come out in a fury.A chief complaint appears to be Washington's use of his natural New York accent, with one observer asking: How did Ridley Scott ... allow Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington to do a NY accent in a movie set in Ancient Rome?" Conversely, there seems to be little furore over the English accent of Quinn or Mescal's loose adoption of what appears to be (from the trailer at least) received pronunciation - despite them being equally anachronistic. As it has been pointed out in the Hollywood Reporter, when combined with criticism of the music choice (Jay-Z and Kanye West's No Church in the Wild), it starts to look rather dog whistle-y". Continue reading...
JD Vance attacks Democrats in first speech as Republican vice-president nominee –video
Speaking at the Republican national convention in Milwaukee, JD Vance accepted the GOP's nomination as vice-president and made a speech in which he praised Donald Trump, harkened back to his Ohio upbringing and condemned past leaders for creating a divide across the US. He also said there would be 'no more free rides' for the US's allies in terms of defence spending.
Paul Kagame banned opponents like me from Rwanda’s election. No wonder he cruised to victory | Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza
The president won 99% of the vote. But that isn't a sign of popularity - it's a sign of a democracy' that silences all dissent
Key takeaways from day three of the Republican national convention
JD Vance's addressed an enamored audience that chanted his name and a ringing silence on the topic of abortionRepublicans had a new chant on Wednesday night: not just Trump! Trump!" but also JD! JD! JD!" in honor of Trump's new vice-presidential pick, Ohio senator JD Vance, who introduced himself to the country Wednesday night in a confident and personal primetime address.Also new: the professionally printed signs reading Mass Deportations Now," a reference to Trump's campaign pledge to engage in the biggest mass deportation of undocumented migrants in US history. Continue reading...
A gleeful Trump, delegates in tribute bandages: it’s hard to tear your eyes away from the Republican convention | Emma Brockes
So this is what it feels like, the presidential hopeful must be telling himself, to be admired, praised and respectedReports from the first two days of the Republican national convention in Milwaukee suggest that the mood of the room isn't merely energised but giddy. Some of us know that feeling; the sense of jubilation that comes after suffering a near-death experience (or, for those who haven't, see losing then finding one's wallet) that the Republicans and their leader are at present enjoying.Two days after a failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump, delegates in Wisconsin crashed around with the hysterical relief of people whose plane just dropped 4,000ft, then discovered, after all that, they're not going to die.Emma Brockes is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
JD Vance fires salvos at Democrats in first speech as Trump’s running mate
Junior senator of Ohio leaned into his own background and attacked Biden in Republican national convention addressJD Vance formally accepted the Republican vice-presidential nomination on Wednesday with a deliberate, and at times divisive, pitch to re-elect Donald Trump in November.Addressing delegates in Milwaukee on the third night of the convention, Vance, the junior senator of Ohio, presented the Republican party as a champion of working-class Americans while denouncing Democrats as out of touch and ineffective. The populist-tinged rhetoric offered the latest sign of how Trump has reshaped the Republican party and rejected much of the traditional conservatism of its past. Continue reading...
JD Vance tells Republican convention ‘people who govern this country have failed and failed again’ – as it happened
This live blog is now closed. You can read some of our latest stories on the RNC below:
Democrats’ rift widens as Nancy Pelosi reportedly joins calls for Biden to quit
Tensions amid party members rise as Biden tests for positive for Covid and will be in self-isolation in DelawarePressure for Joe Biden to step aside as the Democrats' presidential pick to face Donald Trump had eased since the Republican survived an assassination attempt last weekend, but began to rise again on Wednesday.The tension rose as Biden was diagnosed with Covid and cancelled events to self-isolate at his home in Delaware. Continue reading...
Bob Menendez set to resign from Senate after bribery conviction – report
NBC News reports New Jersey Democrat, 70, found guilty of 16 federal charges, has told allies he will quitThe Democratic US senator Bob Menendez is refuting early reports that he told allies he was considering resigning from Congress after being convicted on corruption charges.I can tell you that I have not resigned nor have I spoken to any so-called allies ... Seems to me that there is an effort to try to force me into a statement," Menendez told CBS News late Wednesday evening. Continue reading...
Caitlin Clark breaks WNBA single-game assists record in Indiana Fever defeat
Joe Biden says he'd step down as presidential candidate if a 'medical condition emerged' – video
US president Joe Biden has said he would end his presidential campaign if it emerged that he had a 'medical condition'. Biden's remarks came amid growing concern about his fitness to hold office, brought into sharp focus after a sluggish debate performance against Donald Trump on CNN. Defending his candidacy, Biden said his age gave him added wisdom and he had a lot left to do, so he was 'reluctant to walk away from that'
Philadelphia’s Cavan Sullivan, 14, breaks Freddy Adu’s youngest MLS player mark
Trump supporters bandage ears in act of solidarity with former president – video
At the Republic national convention in Milwaukee, some Trump supporters have a new way of showing their support for their favourite presidential candidate beyond a red Maga cap: wearing bandages on their ears, as Donald Trump did himself when he first appeared at the convention on Monday in his first public appearance since Saturday's assassination attempt.
Peter Navarro airs grievances in convention speech hours after prison release
Ex-Trump official portrayed his contempt of Congress charges for obstructing January 6 inquiry as overreach
Joe Biden tests positive for Covid; Chuck Schumer says report he told president to quit race is ‘idle speculation’ – as it happened
This blog is now closed. You can read our full report here on Biden's Covid news and follow the latest from the Republican national convention here
Biden says 'I feel good' after testing positive for Covid-19 and cancelling campaign speech – video
The White House confirmed the US president tested positive for Covid-19 and was experiencing 'mild symptoms', saying he had a runny nose and 'general malaise'. Biden was slated to make a campaign speech at the UnidosUS annual conference as part of an effort to rally Latino voters ahead of the November election. Unidos CEO Janet Murguia told guests at the conference that Biden had sent his regrets and could not appear because of his positive test
Trump sees former ‘Never Trumper’ JD Vance as a way to expand his base, insiders say
Trump campaign sees senator's past criticisms of the ex-president as an asset with voters who once disliked TrumpDonald Trump and his campaign see his running mate, Senator JD Vance, as a way to expand Trump's voter base, according to sources familiar with the matter, intending to lean into Vance's previous criticisms of Trump to convince voters who dislike both 2024 candidates to back the former president.In the years before Vance ran for the US Senate, he repeatedly criticized Trump and his presidency in interviews where he made clear he never liked the former president and considered him cultural heroin" and in private conversations, where he suggested Trump was America's Hitler". Continue reading...
Syrian official who ran prison where detainees alleged torture arrested in US
Samir Ousman al-Sheikh, 72, who oversaw notorious Adra prison, detained at LAX on immigration fraud chargesA former Syrian military official who oversaw a prison where human rights officials say torture and abuse routinely took place has been arrested in Los Angeles, court documents show.Samir Ousman al-Sheikh, 72, was taken into custody last week at Los Angeles international airport on immigration fraud charges, specifically that he denied on his US visa and citizenship applications that he had ever persecuted anyone in Syria, according to a criminal complaint filed on 9 July. Investigators are considering additional charges, the complaint shows. Continue reading...
Joe Biden tests positive for Covid and cancels campaign event, White House says
President, who has mild symptoms, returning to Delaware to self-isolate but will continue to carry out the full duties of the office'Joe Biden has caught Covid-19 and cancelled a speaking engagement at the last minute, before he was due to address a conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday afternoon, the White House has confirmed.The US president had developed symptoms, and just before he was going to address the UnidosUS annual conference in Nevada, and after a long delay, the organization's president and chief executive, Janet Murguia, told those gathered he would not be taking the podium. Continue reading...
China suspends nuclear talks with US over arms sales to Taiwan
Nuclear proliferation talks halted as tensions rise over Biden and Trump's calls for increased trade restrictionsChina has suspended talks over arms control and nuclear proliferation with the US in protest against arms sales to Taiwan, the democratically governed island aligned with Washington that China claims as its own territory.The decision, announced by China's foreign ministry on Wednesday, halts the early nuclear-arms talks in a period of growing tensions between China and the US, with both US presidential candidates calling for increased trade restrictions and efforts to contain Chinese influence in east Asia. Continue reading...
We need to do all we can to lower the anger pervading American politics | Robert Reich
Trump's messages to his followers during this election season has had a constant undercurrent of violenceMy first thought on hearing about the attempted shooting of Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday was I hope to God he's OK".I thought this for the usual reasons we human beings hope that other humans are safe from harm.They're not after me. They're after you. And I just happen to be standing in their way."Our enemies are desperate to stop us and our opponents have done everything they can to crush our spirit and to break our will. But they failed. They've only made us stronger. And 2024 is the final battle, it's going to be the big one. You put me back in the White House, their reign will be over and America will be a free nation once again."In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution."Robert Reich, a former US secretary of labor, is a professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and the author of Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few and The Common Good. His newest book, The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It, is out now. He is a Guardian US columnist. His newsletter is at robertreich.substack.com Continue reading...
US supreme court grabbing ‘ultimate power’, Biden reform adviser says
Law scholar Laurence Tribe says the conservative court majority is destroying' framework of checks and balancesLaurence Tribe, a constitutional law scholar who has advised Joe Biden as the president prepares to back dramatic reforms to the US supreme court, has criticized the court's ultraconservative justices for acting as a center of self-aggrandizement" threatening the checks and balances on which the US has historically depended.In comments to the Guardian a day after news broke of Biden's plans to endorse major changes to the country's most powerful court, the Harvard Law School professor said the justices were out of step with basic constitutional premises. The court had reached the point of assuming ultimate power over our entire legal and political system". Continue reading...
The Dao of Bob MacIntyre: light switch moment tees up run at Open glory
British contender is ready to enjoy himself after preparing with one of the great nights'Bob MacIntyre bowled up a day late for the Open. He was supposed to be here early on Monday for a press conference, but had to change his plans at the last minute after his victory in the Scottish Open at the Renaissance Club in North Berwick.I don't think I'll be able to get to Troon," he said thatnight. I don't think I'll be legally able to drive." Continue reading...
USA smoke Serbia in exhibition behind Steph Curry and dominant defense
Adam Schiff says Biden should ‘pass the torch’ and bow out of 2024 US election
California Democrat and US Senate candidate calls on Joe Biden to end his campaign, stating he has serious concerns'Adam Schiff, the high-profile California Democrat and US Senate candidate, on Wednesday called on Joe Biden to end his presidential campaign, stating he had serious concerns" about the president's ability to beat Donald Trump in November.In a statement to the Los Angeles Times, the Los Angeles-area congressman joined almost 20 other congressional Democrats in asking the president to step aside. Biden has been one of the most consequential presidents in our nation's history", Schiff said, but it was time to pass the torch". Continue reading...
Global stock markets rocked by potential US crackdown on chipmakers
Unconfirmed report says Biden considering sweeping regulation to further restrict sales of equipment to ChinaGlobal stocks fell on Wednesday as technology shares sank after a report said the US plans tighter import controls on companies that share chipmaking technology with China.London's FTSE 100 edged 0.1% higher to 8,169.24 as data showed the inflation rate remained steady at the Bank of England's 2% target in June. That hit hopes for a central bank rate cut, though the better-than-expected data pushed the British pound above $1.30 early on Wednesday. Continue reading...
Teamsters social media attacks leader over Republican convention speech
Deleted post said, unions gain nothing from endorsing the racist, misogynistic, and anti-trans politics of the far right'The Teamsters' social media account attacked its own president on Wednesday, saying unions gain nothing from endorsing the racist, misogynistic, and anti-trans politics of the far right," two days after Sean O'Brien addressed the Republican national convention in MilwaukeeO'Brien spoke at the convention on Monday night in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the first leader of the union to appear at the convention in the union's history. Continue reading...
Angel City to become world’s most valuable women’s team with $250m sale
Biden tells NAACP: ‘I know what a Black job is: it’s the vice-president’ of the US
President makes comment in convention speech, referring to remarks made by Trump in June debateWielding a potentially potent attack line in his re-election campaign against Donald Trump, Joe Biden told the NAACP: I know what a Black job is: it's the vice-president of the United States."Biden was speaking to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Las Vegas, Nevada, as the group staged its 115th national convention. Continue reading...
Graduation is such a significant moment – and yet we never realise it at the time | Adrian Chiles
The parents glow with pride, while the students cringe with embarrassment. Underneath it all is the terrifying awareness of time getting a march on usI just went to a graduation ceremony. I wasn't the only one. On station platforms at every stop there were graduation groups in evidence, in the spirit of the newlyweds and their families in Larkin's Whitsun Weddings.Graduation parties are generally three in number. One is young, the other two are older. The older ones will have sore hands from clapping long and hard, as hundreds of soon-not-to-be students file on stage to receive their degrees. There are plenty to get through - in the UK, well over 1m undergraduates and postgraduates are awarded their certificates every year. Parents' eyes will hurt from all the squinting, trying to keep tabs on where loved ones are in the queue, working out when their turn will come. Continue reading...
Trump wants to project a unity message after the assassination attempt. How long will it last?
The ex-president is believed to be softening his convention speech, but top Republicans are sticking with a caustic tone
Democrats seek data on ‘oppressive child labor’ amid rise in reports of US abuses
Exclusive: senior House members write letter seeking information on child labor violations in federally funded programsTwo senior members of Congress have asked the acting secretary of labor, Julie Su, for information and data on child labor violations and protections in federally subsidized youth work programs amid a rise in reports of labor abuses against minors, according to a letter obtained by the Guardian.Child labor violations have been on the rise in the US in recent years as eight states so far in 2024 have passed legislation to roll back child labor protections, though elected officials in 24 states have introduced bills to strengthen child labor protections. Continue reading...
Ivanka Trump said she was done with politics – but is the Maga Princess plotting a return?
The former first daughter has spent the past few years distancing herself from Donald. Now she's voicing fond memories of working in the White HouseIf you're a woman freaking out about the imminent possibility of another Trump term, don't despair quite yet. Yes, Project 2025 is hoping to turn the US into a Christian nationalist country. Yes, JD Vance, Donald Trump's running partner, has been primed for the job by Peter Thiel, a man who has mused that women having the vote is problematic. Yes, experts are raising the alarm that a Trump-Vance administration will be the most dangerous administration for abortion and reproductive freedom in this country's history." But it's not all doom and gloom: there may well be a beacon of light and female liberation coming into the White House as well. Signs suggest Ivanka Trump is considering a return to politics. Ladies and gentlewomen, the patron saint of female empowerment may selflessly serve us once again!To be clear: the younger Trump hasn't explicitly said that she's interested in another go at being Daddy's special adviser. In fact, she's spent the last few years getting as far away from politics as possible. A renaissance woman, Trump has sold everything from handbags to shoes to real estate - but her most valuable product has always been herself. The former first daughter has always been very careful about protecting her personal brand. And, for a while, that meant staying well clear of her father. Continue reading...
The Open needs overdue fireworks to stave off summer sport overload
Viewers will expect compelling battles and a big finish at Royal Troon, not a repeat of Harman's casual victoryThe Open Championship can encounter problems in years such as this. Even dedicated sports fans suffer exhaustion when a European Championship and Olympic Games bookend the summer. The Open - like Wimbledon or Test matches - can feel as if it is jammed somewhere in the middle of frenzy.Against this backdrop, Royal Troon comes under pressure to provide something special. A repeat of last year, when Brian Harman coasted to victory under ugly skies at Hoylake, will not do. History is on this wonderful Ayrshire venue's side; Henrik Stenson's epic joust with Phil Mickelson here, eight years ago, was on the last properly compelling Open Sunday. Continue reading...
Ursula von der Leyen has lost Europe’s trust. She doesn't deserve a second term | Alberto Alemanno
The commission president can no longer command a convincing majority. Rejecting her would be good for European democracyAfter being hand-picked by the 27 EU leaders as the nominee to preside over the European Commission for a second five-year term, Ursula von der Leyen now needs to win the approval of the European parliament. The 65-year-old German politician needs an absolute majority when the 720 MEPs vote on Thursday: 361 votes. For this she can rely on the three pro-European political groups that won a majority of the seats in the European elections last month and supported her in 2019 - her own centre-right European People's party (188 seats), the Socialists (136), and the liberals of Renew (77).Yet individual MEPs from all three groups have already gone public to say they won't back von der Leyen. They include France's conservative Les Republicains from the EPP, German, Irish and Romanian liberals as well as French and ItalianSocialist delegations, among others. Moreover, as the vote is held by secret ballot, some may support her candidacy in public but still push the no" button in Strasbourg.Alberto Alemanno is the Jean Monnet professor of EU law at HEC Paris and Europe Futures Fellow at IWM in Vienna Continue reading...
Richard Simmons’ death under investigation, Los Angeles police say
No foul play suspected, but case won't be closed until cause of death established by medical examiner's investigationThe sudden death of fitness icon Richard Simmons is under investigation by the medical examiner, according to the Los Angeles police department (LAPD).No foul play is suspected, but the police case will not be closed until a formal cause of death is established by the medical examiner's investigation, which could take several weeks as lab tests are conducted. Continue reading...
The American republic is crumbling before us – and Democrats must share the blame | Owen Jones
The dysfunctional US economic system doesn't work for ordinary people - making it ripe for exploitation by a demagogue such as TrumpHas the US entered its late Soviet phase? The country is a gerontocracy led by ailing leaders and with a crisis of confidence in its dominant ideology; it is a flailing superpower suffering foreign humiliation (not least in Afghanistan); and its economic system struggles to meet the needs of many of its people. The similarities are a little uncanny.There are, of course, clear differences too. The US is a democracy, albeit one severely compromised by wealthy vested interests and concerted rightwing efforts to weaken voting rights, and it is a racially diverse union of states, rather than an unstable federation of nations. But, crucially, if Joe Biden is a Leonid Brezhnev or one of his two short-lived elderly successors, then Donald Trump is no Mikhail Gorbachev: he is more of an American Vladimir Putin.Owen Jones is a Guardian columnistDo you have an opinion on the issues raised in this article? If you would like to submit a response of up to 300 words by email to be considered for publication in our letters section, please click here. Continue reading...
Putin, Xi and Trump would love to see Ursula von der Leyen go. That’s why the EU must keep her on | Paul Taylor
The European Commission president is up for re-election - and despite criticisms, she is best-placed to keep Europe secure in a time of crisisUrsula von der Leyen should get a second five-year term at the head of the European Commission despite the somewhat phoney drama around her confirmation vote in the European parliament on Thursday.To be sure, the 65-year-old centre-right former German defence minister cannot be certain of winning the absolute majority of 361 votes required to retain her job. Several members of the informal pro-European parliamentary coalition of the conservative European People's party (EPP), the centre-left Socialists and Democrats (S&D) and the liberal centrist Renew Europe (RE) campaigned against her or have said they will not vote for her.Paul Taylor is a senior visiting fellow at the European Policy Centre Continue reading...
‘A dystopian plot’: how will Trump’s Project 2025 affect California?
The plan takes specific aim at California on abortion rights and green policies - but the state has ways to fight itDonald Trump has not been shy about attacking California on the presidential campaign trail, telling fellow conservatives that the place is failing" under Democratic party leadership. And all signs suggest that a second Trump administration would not hesitate to take a sledgehammer to principles and policy priorities that the Golden State and other progressive bastions hold dear.The Project 2025 policy document, a blueprint for a second Trump presidency drawn up by former Trump administration officials and sympathetic thinktank analysts, takes specific aim at California on abortion rights, fuel emissions standards and the transition to electric vehicles. Continue reading...
Who is Usha Vance, the immigrant daughter married to Trump’s VP pick JD Vance?
The lawyer who was once a registered Democrat has been welcomed by Republicans as a sign of generational changeMany Republicans have welcomed Usha Vance, the Indian American wife of vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, as a symbol of generational change and growing diversity in the party ranks.Usha, 38, a corporate lawyer who used to be a registered Democrat, is the daughter of Indian immigrants and a practicing Hindu. Continue reading...
A baseball gaijin: an American pitcher’s journey to Japan and back again
Tony Barnette was stumbling around the minor leagues until a spell with the Tokyo Yakult Swallows transformed his lifeMeiji Jingu Stadium in Tokyo pulsated with excitement in 2015, during a watershed moment in Japanese baseball. The Tokyo Yakult Swallows had just knocked off the rival Yomiuri Giants in a postseason series. For decades, the teams shared Tokyo but little else. The Giants were the class of Japanese baseball, drawing comparisons to the New York Yankees, while the Swallows languished below .500. Now came payback, as the Swallows moved on to the Japan Series, the championship round of Nippon Professional Baseball. Those celebrating included the Swallows' American closer, Tony Barnette. Riffing on a team postgame ritual, the reliever made a series of acrobatic leaps that went viral on Japanese social media.Barnette had additional reasons to rejoice. Frustrated with his progress in the Arizona Diamondbacks' minor-league system, he had accepted an offer to play in Japan. The money was better than Triple A, but he didn't speak Japanese, and the odds of returning to the US to play in MLB were slim - especially given that he had not previously played in the majors. In his first season with the Swallows in 2010, he endured demotion to the minors and was not initially offered a new contract. Then came another shot, and he made the most of it, going from struggling starter to lights-out reliever, while finding postseason success - and, after six seasons in Japan, finally realizing his MLB dream with the Texas Rangers and Chicago Cubs. His story is chronicled in a new book by sports journalist Aaron Fischman - A Baseball Gaijin: Chasing a Dream to Japan and Back. Continue reading...