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Updated 2024-10-15 09:00
US Capitol attack: is the government’s expanded online surveillance effective?
The Brennan Center for Justice explains how the US government monitors social media – and how ‘counter-terrorism’ efforts can threaten civil rights and privacyIn the year since the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol, federal authorities have faced intense scrutiny for failing to detect warning signs on social media.After the 6 January insurrection, the US agency tasked with combatting terrorism and extremism, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has expanded its monitoring of online activity, with officials touting a new domestic terrorism intelligence branch focused on tracking online threats and sharing information about possible attacks. Continue reading...
Biden denounces Trump a year on from Capitol attack | First Thing
President condemns predecessor’s ‘web of lies’ and says democracy is still at risk. Plus, the young people seeking couples therapyGood morning.Joe Biden marked the anniversary of the Capitol attack with his strongest denunciation yet of his predecessor, accusing Donald Trump and his allies of placing a “dagger at the throat of American democracy”.The potential for a future stolen election is higher than ever, Sam Levine warns in his analysis of the continuing machinations. Since the insurrection, Republicans have powered ahead with efforts to undermine the processes of election administration and vote counting.The forceful denunciation “cannot have been easy” for Biden, who favours bipartisanship and ran on a platform of national unity, writes David Smith in his analysis. It shows that Biden understands the “threat must be looked squarely in the eye”.What did Trump say? He had planned to hold a news conference from Mar-a-Lago, but canceled under pressure from conservative allies. Nevertheless, he issued a series of statements maintaining the “big lie”.What else has contributed to climbing death rates? Drug overdoses and homicides have also risen during the pandemic.Why are long Covid deaths difficult to tally? In some patients, the virus weakens organs or leads to new ailments – but may no longer be present at the time of death. Continue reading...
True number of Covid deaths in the US likely undercounted, experts say
Many of the deaths aren’t counted in the official Covid tally because they happen months after infections, expert saysThe true number of deaths from the Covid pandemic in the US is likely being undercounted, due to the long-lasting and little-understood effects of Covid infection and other deadly complications that surged during the past two years.“We are seeing right now the highest death rates we have ever seen in the history of this business,” J Scott Davison, CEO of insurance company OneAmerica, told journalists on 30 December. Continue reading...
I’m a police officer, and I fear increased powers of stop and search will undermine public trust | Andy George
The government must listen: community engagement is the only way to cut serious crime in the UK’s most deprived areas
NFL Week 18 predictions: who will grab the last remaining playoff places?
For the first time in modern NFL history, teams will play their 17th regular season games. Here are our predictions of who will win the weekend’s deciding matchesWhile there may not be as many playoff spots on the line at this stage as was promised when the league introduced the its new 17-game schedule, there’s still a lot at stake this weekend. Beyond the battle for seedings among teams who have already booked their postseason berth, there are five games that will decide who joins them in the playoffs: we preview them here. Continue reading...
Assault on American democracy has gained pace since US Capitol attack
Analysis: Republican strategy has focused on sowing doubt about 2020’s result, passing new laws and taking over key election officesOn 6 January 2021, it seemed like the stitching holding America’s democracy together might finally collapse. As armed supporters of a defeated president laid siege to the Capitol, the US Congress did something extraordinary – it suspended the official procedure to certify the winner of a presidential election.The attack was eventually put down and Congress returned to officially certify Joe Biden’s victory. “They tried to disrupt our democracy. They failed,” Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader in the Senate, said when the Senate came back into session. Continue reading...
Dazzling Mariah Bell leads after short program at US figure skating nationals
On anniversary of Capitol riot, Washington – and America – are as divided as ever
Partisanship overshadows sombre commemorations as insurrection becomes another wedge in a split nationThey thought it couldn’t happen here. But so did many other nations before America.Walking the halls of the snowbound US Capitol on Thursday afternoon, a year to the hour since it was breached by a fascist impulse, it was hard to imagine the mob running riot – pummeling police, flaunting the Confederate flag and abusing a Black officer with the n-word. Continue reading...
China scientist pleads guilty to stealing trade secret from Monsanto
Xiang Haitao admitted to stealing software developed by the agribusiness giant to take to China, says justice departmentA Chinese national has pleaded guilty to conspiring to steal a trade secret from American agribusiness giant Monsanto, the US justice department said.Xiang Haitao, 44, was employed as an imaging scientist by Monsanto and its subsidiary, The Climate Corporation, from 2008 to 2017, the department said in a statement. Continue reading...
Christmas tree ignited by child may have sparked deadly Philadelphia fire
Investigators are looking into the possibility that five-year-old playing with a lighter sparked blaze that killed 12Investigators are looking into the possibility that a five-year-old who was playing with a lighter set a Christmas tree on fire, sparking a conflagration that killed 12 people in a Philadelphia rowhome, officials revealed on Thursday.The revelation was included in a search warrant application as city and federal investigators sought to determine the cause of the city’s deadliest single blaze in more than a century, which took the lives of two sisters, several of their children and others early on Wednesday. Continue reading...
Threats against US lawmakers rose ahead of 6 January anniversary, agency says
FBI and DHS flagged content that could ‘inspire violence by lone offenders against government officials’The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has warned of an increase in extremist content and threats against US lawmakers in the days leading up to the anniversary of the 6 January insurrection, according to a memo obtained by the Guardian.The memo, sent on Thursday to state and local law enforcement, said that DHS had no indication of a specific and credible plot, but that the agency and the FBI had “identified new content online that could inspire violence, particularly by lone offenders, and could be directed against political and other government officials, including members of Congress, state and local officials, and high-profile members of political parties, including in locations outside of [Washington DC]”. Continue reading...
Biden blames Trump’s ‘web of lies’ for US Capitol attack in first anniversary speech – as it happened
Kamala Harris evacuated on 6 January when pipe bomb discovered, report says
Politico reports then vice-president elect was taken out of DNC headquarters minutes after Capitol police arrived to investigateKamala Harris was inside the Democratic National Committee headquarters when a pipe bomb was discovered outside the building on 6 January last year, according to a report.The then vice-president elect, who was sworn into office two weeks later, was evacuated minutes after Capitol police began investigating the bomb, Politico reported. The FBI described the bomb as a “viable” device which “could have been detonated, resulting in serious injury or death”. Continue reading...
Historians mark 6 January with urgent warning on threats to US democracy
Comments come as many Americans, particularly Trump supporters, continue to deny the dark reality of the insurrectionSome of America’s most prominent historians gave an urgent warning about the state of American democracy as they gathered on Capitol Hill on Thursday to commemorate the 6 January insurrection.Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham condemned the attack on the Capitol, which was carried out by a group of Donald Trump’s supporters to disrupt the certification of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election. Continue reading...
Biden condemns Trump’s ‘web of lies’ a year on from deadly Capitol assault
California prosecutor who campaigned against vaccine mandates dies of Covid
Kelly Ernby, who recently ran for the state assembly, was unvaccinated at the time of her death, husband saysA deputy district attorney from California who regularly spoke out against vaccine mandates has died of complications from Covid-19.Kelly Ernby, 46, a prosecutor from Orange county, southern California, who recently ran for the state assembly, died after contracting the virus, her family and friends have said. Continue reading...
US Capitol attack: Liz Cheney says Mike Pence ‘was a hero’ on 6 January
Deputy chair of special House committee hails then-vice-president for ‘doing his duty’ and certifying election results
Ghislaine Maxwell: key juror has hired lawyer, trial judge says
Maxwell’s lawyers say they will request retrial after unidentified juror told reporters he was sexually abused as a childA juror who sat at the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell last month and has now told reporters he was sexually abused as a child has retained a lawyer, the trial judge said on Thursday.The unidentified juror’s public interviews led defense lawyers in the case to say they will request a new trial. Continue reading...
No time for platitudes as Biden gives sharpest denunciation of Trump yet
Analysis: This was the moment the president realized the clear and present danger posed to US democracy by an ex-leader gone rogueHere, at last, was the Joe Biden that anyone on vigil for America’s teetering democracy had been waiting for.In historic National Statuary Hall at the US Capitol, a year to the day after it was overrun by an authoritarian mob, the US president gave his clearest dissection of “the big lie” and his clearest denunciation of his predecessor, Donald Trump. Continue reading...
A hard lesson for Novak Djokovic: patience with vaccine sceptics is wearing thin | Gaby Hinsliff
He has been detained amid growing hostility towards people who appear to be unjabbed. Even fame could not protect himThis weekend, Novak Djokovic should have been warming up for yet another grand slam.But instead the world No 1 tennis champion – and noted vaccine sceptic – is cooling his heels in an Australian quarantine hotel, while an international row rages over whether he should be kicked out of the country altogether. Djokovic had boasted on social media of securing an exemption, for medical reasons he has not explained, to the rules that all players in the Australian Open must be double-jabbed. But hours later he was stopped at the airport, his visa cancelled, and he was unceremoniously threatened with deportation. His lawyers are challenging that ruling, meaning the outcome of this particular tournament may now be determined in a court – rather than on one. Not since the actor Johnny Depp and his then wife, Amber Heard, flew their two dogs, Pistol and Boo, into the country by private jet without the necessary paperwork has the power of celebrity met the force of Australian biosecurity requirements with quite such explosive results.Gaby Hinsliff is a Guardian columnist Continue reading...
I’m one of the Colston Four. Our victory took the nation closer to racial justice | Rhian Graham
We have been accused of erasing history – but that’s impossible. All we did was shine a light in places people don’t want lights to shineOn 7 June 2020, I was part of a group of protesters who pulled down a statue of the slave trader Edward Colston and threw it into the Bristol harbour. I have never felt and will never feel that what we did was wrong, and I have never thought I was a criminal. But it’s a beautiful thing that a jury has sat through all the evidence, and come to the same conclusion.I had a good feeling about the trial throughout, but I had to prepare for both outcomes – it could have gone either way. Our defence rested on the argument that we had indeed pulled down the statue during a Black Lives Matter protest, but that given Colston’s role in the Royal African Company, which enslaved tens of thousands and was responsible for the deaths of an estimated 19,000 people, this wasn’t a case of criminal damage. Continue reading...
Joe Biden blames Donald Trump’s ‘web of lies’ for US Capitol attack – video
The US president spoke directly against Trump, saying the former president had created and spread a 'web of lie's that resulted in the deadly insurrection.
Boston Marathon bomber accused of failing to pay thousands to victims
Prosecutors allege Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spent money on family instead of making court-ordered payments to victims of attackDzhokhar Tsarnaev, the convicted Boston Marathon bomber, spent $2,000 on expenses such as gifts, books and support for his siblings instead of making payments he owes to his scores of victims, prosecutors charged in a court filing on Wednesday.The document listed a number of large deposits to Tsarnaev’s inmate trust account that he failed to report to the court, allegedly violating the Mandatory Victim Restitution Act. Continue reading...
Republicans’ anti-democratic attacks are the new normal
Efforts to exert control over election administration and counting of votes is latest in alarming anti-democratic trendsHello, and happy Thursday (and 2022),Over the last few days, I’ve been reporting on Republicans’ efforts to exert partisan control over election administration and the counting of votes, a new and deeply alarming anti-democratic trend.Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, pledged there will be a vote on changing the filibuster rules by 17 January to pass voting rights legislation. It’s unclear if Democrats will have enough support to change the rules.A group of prominent election law scholars wrote an op-ed laying out how Congress can fix the Electoral Count Act, a confusing 19th-century law that Trump and allies tried to rely on to overturn the 2020 election. The law has remained unchanged since last year.Texas quietly released the results of the first part of a review of the 2020 election on New Year’s Eve. Officials didn’t find much.A Minnesota prosecutor is bringing criminal charges against a man who requested an absentee ballot in 2020 while on probation for a felony, but who never voted.California authorities completed a months-long investigation into a man who was found passed out with 300 absentee ballots last summer, and said there was no evidence he intended to commit election fraud. Continue reading...
High-ranking Tennessee Republican apologizes after apparent attempt to ‘pants’ ref
When American democracy crumbles, it won’t be televised | Bhaskar Sunkara
Don’t expect a dramatic fascist storming of the Capitol building or a military takeover when our crisis comes to a headAmericans are not exactly known for nuance. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise us then that the rightwing protests that turned into a riot at the US Capitol building on 6 January 2021 were immediately described as a coup attempt.For most Democrats, the participants were at the very least insurrectionists guilty of sedition, or perhaps even domestic terrorists. Wall-to-wall coverage at the time on broadcast television and magazine thinkpieces waxing eloquent about the attack on “the people’s house” confirmed the assessment. Continue reading...
The insurrection is only the tip of the iceberg | Sidney Blumenthal
Behind the insurrection of 6 January was a coup plot that was months in the making, and which involved a dastardly cast of charactersAfter thousands of posts appeared for weeks on a website called TheDonald.win detailing plans for the 6 January attack on the Capitol, including how to form a “wall of death” to force police to abandon defensive positions; after Gen Mark Milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, warned his senior aides of “a Reichstag moment” like the 1933 burning of the German parliament that Hitler used to seize dictatorial power; after insurrectionists smashed several ground floor windows of the Capitol, the only ones out of 658 they somehow knew were not reinforced, that allowed rioters to pour inside; after marching to the chamber of the House chanting “Hang Mike Pence!”; after pounding on the locked doors; and as the Capitol police led members in a run through the tunnels under the Capitol for safe passage to the Longworth Building, Congressman Jody Hice, a Republican of Georgia, raced by a Democratic colleague, who told me Hice was screaming into his phone: “You screwed it up, y’all screwed it all up!”Hice, an evangelical minister, professor of preaching at a Southern Baptist seminary, and radio talkshow host before his election in 2014, has notably declared that freedom of religion should not apply to Muslims and that the Sandy Hook massacre of 26 people at an elementary school by a deranged shooter occurred because liberals were “kicking God out of the public square”. Continue reading...
Britain’s shameful slavery history matters – that’s why a jury acquitted the Colston Four | David Olusoga
Jurors were asked to rule that Edward Colston’s heinous crimes were immaterial, but they chose to put themselves on the right side of historyThere were cheers from the public gallery of Bristol crown court when the verdicts of not guilty were returned. Eighteen months after Bristol’s now infamous statue of the slave trader Edward Colston was sent crashing to the pavement, the four young people who had been charged with criminal damage were acquitted.The strategy that the prosecution appears to have adopted – in a case that some now argue should never have been brought to trial – seemed to centre on asking that the jury be blind to history. Who the statue venerated, they argued, was irrelevant. This, they claimed, was an open-and-shut case of criminal damage, one in which the defendants did not even deny their role in the toppling of the statue or, in one case, helping to roll it to Bristol harbourside, from where it was cast into the water.David Olusoga is a historian and broadcaster Continue reading...
From corruption to the 'mark of the beast' – why countries like Malawi are struggling against Covid | Madalitso Wills Kateta
With 80% of pandemic funds misused and widespread vaccine myths, citizens have had to step up where government has failedIn January 2021, the Malawian rights activist Paul Msoma wrote that he was in Kamuzu central hospital, struggling to breathe. The hospital had oxygen cylinders but no flowmeters – the necessary instrument to connect him to them. I was left wondering where the funds that had been released for the country’s Covid-19 response were going. “My situation is getting bad and l desperately need oxygen,” Msoma wrote on Facebook. “Anyone who can urgently help out there please help by donating this very gadget.”Kamuzu central hospital is one of the biggest referral hospitals in Malawi and it did not seem right for such a big hospital not to have oxygen flowmeters, which are very basic medical equipment costing around £18 a piece. This was at a time when the government had released more than £5.6m for the Covid-19 response effort.Madalitso Wills Kateta is a freelance journalist based in Lilongwe, Malawi Continue reading...
Crisis, what crisis? Florida Republicans deny Omicron is straining hospitals
State becomes focal point of politicized debate over whether Omicron is dangerous enough to overwhelm hospital systemsWhile Florida has experienced a record number of Covid-19 cases and sharp increase in hospitalizations in recent weeks, there is disagreement between Republicans and Democrats over whether the Omicron surge has actually overwhelmed the state’s healthcare system.For example, Florida Republican senator Marco Rubio posted on Twitter that there “is no Omicron hospital ‘surge’ in Florida. People admitted for non-Covid reasons get tested. If they test positive they get counted as a ‘Covid patient.’” Continue reading...
Antonio Brown: I did not quit on Buccaneers during game, I was injured
Wilson to the Browns? Rodgers in Denver? A look at the quarterback merry-go-round
The upcoming offseason is set to be a frenetic one. Current and future NFL MVPs could all be on the move in 2022Last year the player empowerment movement that has swept across sports finally arrived in the huddle. Quarterbacks throughout the NFL started to flex their power. Aaron Rodgers, Russell Wilson, Matthew Stafford, and Deshaun Watson all suggested (or demanded) trades; all four were stars at the peak of their powers.It will be much the same this summer. Rodgers, Wilson and Watson will be joined in trade discussions by Kirk Cousins and Matt Ryan, and the domino effect of any moves will be felt around the league. Continue reading...
Kyrie Irving’s 22 points lift Nets in unvaccinated star’s season debut
‘I was there’: Democrat recalls horror and fury on day of Capitol attack
Representative Dean Phillips describes the day that ‘changed him’ after a pro-Tump mob overran police and reached the doors of the House chamberIt was a visceral cry at the moment of maximum peril for American democracy.A furious mob had overrun police and was nearly at the door of the House of Representatives. Inside the chamber, Republican Paul Gosar was launching a spurious challenge to Joe Biden’s election victory in Arizona. Continue reading...
Treasure hunters demand answers from FBI about search for civil war-era gold
Finders Keepers lawsuit seeks confirmation that agency found trove in Pennsylvania after father-son team suggested locationTreasure hunters who believe they found a huge cache of fabled US civil war-era gold in Pennsylvania are now on the prowl for something as elusive as the buried booty itself: government records of the FBI’s excavation.Finders Keepers, a lost treasure locate and recovery service, filed a federal lawsuit against the justice department over its failure to produce documents on the FBI’s search for the legendary gold, which took place nearly four years ago at a remote woodland site in north-western Pennsylvania. Continue reading...
Republicans are laying a path back to power – and paving it with lies | Rebecca Solnit
Despite having fled the mob on 6 January, many congressmen are openly fleeing the truth about what happened that dayWhen the insurrectionists of 6 January rampaged through the Capitol, congressman Andrew Clyde of Georgia helped barricade a door, and he fled when the rest of Congress did. A photograph shows him looking panicky, mouth wide open and arm gesticulating wildly, behind what appears to be a security team member with a gun drawn, defending him. But a few months later he declared: “Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes, taking videos, pictures. You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from 6 January, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”Clyde’s account of 6 January might be a little more preposterous than those of his fellow Republican legislators. But they all joined him in pretending nothing much had happened and objecting to the investigation of the day’s events. After all, they were partly responsible, most of them. It was elected Republicans who supported and spread the earlier lies that Donald Trump had won the election, the lies that fed the insurrection; and then they lied some more about their own words and actions before, during and after. In the immediate aftermath, the then Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, was angry and shaken, declaring: “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president.” Then he too began the project of walking it all back.Rebecca Solnit is a Guardian US columnist. Her most recent books are Recollections of My Nonexistence and Orwell’s Roses Continue reading...
Missouri couple who pointed guns at BLM protesters seek return of firearms
Mark and Patricia McCloskey seek return of AR-15-style rifle and semi-automatic pistol after it emerged authorities had not yet destroyed themMark and Patricia McCloskey, a Missouri couple who became famous for pointing guns at protesters marching for racial justice in 2020, are trying to get their firearms back after it emerged the city of St Louis had not yet destroyed them.Mark McCloskey, who was pardoned after pleading guilty to weapons charges, sued St Louis, the city sheriff and the state to retrieve the guns and told a court hearing on Wednesday that the pardons also entitled the couple to a refund of their fines. Continue reading...
Seattle police faked radio chatter about Proud Boys during 2020 racial justice protests – watchdog
Investigation finds police used an ‘improper ruse’ and exacerbated an already volatile situation, but consequences are unlikelySeattle police exchanged detailed fake radio transmissions about a nonexistent group of menacing right-wing extremists at a crucial moment during the 2020 racial justice protests, an investigation by the city’s police watchdog group shows.The radio chatter about members of the Proud Boys marching around downtown Seattle, some possibly carrying guns and then heading to confront protesters on Capitol Hill was an improper “ruse”, or dishonest ploy, that exacerbated a volatile situation, the Seattle Times reported. That’s according to findings released Wednesday by the city’s Office of Police Accountability (OPA). Continue reading...
Capitol attack: Biden to stress Trump’s ‘singular responsibility’ on anniversary
President will lead sombre commemorations in Washington of deadly assault on US democracyIt was a day that shook America. Joe Biden will lead sombre commemorations on Thursday to mark one year since the US Capitol insurrection that left five people dead and the nation’s democracy wounded, and is expected to lay out the “singular responsibility” that Donald Trump has for the “chaos and carnage” of that day.In a speech, Biden will directly address the former president’s role in the attack and his attempts since to distract from or downplay events, the White House said. Continue reading...
Biden to blame Trump for ‘chaos and carnage’ of 6 January attack –as it happened
Human remains found near suspected origin of Colorado wildfire
Partial remains of adult discovered south of Boulder but experts say tally of two missing is strikingly low for a blaze of this ferocityInvestigators have found partial human remains in an area near the suspected origin of the destructive Colorado blaze that broke out last Thursday.In a statement on Wednesday, the Boulder county sheriff’s office said investigators located partial human remains of an adult in the Marshall area south of Boulder. Continue reading...
Merrick Garland vows to pursue all those responsible for 6 January attack
Attorney general says justice department has ‘no higher priority’ and promises further actions over ‘assault on our democracy’The US attorney general, Merrick Garland, on Wednesday vowed that the justice department would hold accountable all those responsible for the deadly 6 January attack, whether they were physically present at the Capitol or not.Garland’s remarks come as he faces growing calls from lawmakers, legal experts and former elected officials to intensify the department’s investigation into the events of Capitol assault, and in particular to prosecute those who helped orchestrate the failed attempt to overturn the 2020 election results, including Donald Trump and his associates. Continue reading...
Ghislaine Maxwell prosecutors ask judge for inquiry into juror
Maxwell’s legal team says they believe a new trial is warranted following revelations about jurorProsecutors in Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex-trafficking trial on Wednesday asked the judge for an “inquiry” after a juror said in recent post-trial media interviews that he was a victim of sexual abuse.Maxwell’s legal team said they believe a new trial is warranted following revelations about this juror.With additional reporting from Edward HelmoreInformation and support for anyone affected by rape or sexual abuse issues is available from the following organisations. In the US, Rainn offers support on 800-656-4673. In the UK, Rape Crisis offers support on 0808 802 9999. In Australia, support is available at 1800Respect (1800 737 732). Other international helplines can be found at ibiblio.org/rcip/internl.html Continue reading...
California bill would hold gunmakers liable for injuries or deaths
The legislation is modeled after a first-in-the-nation New York law that declares such violations a ‘public nuisance’Some Democratic California lawmakers want to make it easier for people to sue gun companies for liability in shootings that cause injuries or deaths, a move advocates say is aimed at getting around a US law that prevents such lawsuits and allows the industry to act recklessly.In general, when someone is injured or killed by gunfire it’s very hard for the victim or their family to hold the gun manufacturer or dealer responsible by suing them and making them pay damages. A federal law prevents most of those types of lawsuits. Continue reading...
Oldest second world war veteran in the US dies aged 112
Lawrence N Brooks served in the mostly black 91st engineer general service regiment and was discharged in August 1945Lawrence N Brooks, the oldest second world war veteran in the US – believed to be the oldest man in the country – died on Wednesday at the age of 112.His death was announced by the National WWII Museum and confirmed by his daughter. Continue reading...
Homer Plessy, US civil rights pioneer, receives pardon 130 years on
Plessy’s act of civil disobedience led to court decision that legalized ‘separate but equal’ doctrine and ushered in Jim Crow eraIn front of the old New Orleans train station where, in 1892, Homer Plessy engaged in a trailblazing act of civil disobedience that led to the landmark Plessy v Ferguson supreme court decision, Louisiana’s governor stood 130 years later and issued a posthumous pardon to the late civil rights pioneer.Beneath a grey sky and in a ceremony laced with symbolism and repentance, Governor John Bel Edwards signed the pardon for Plessy, a Creole man of color who purchased a ticket for a whites-only train cabin and was subsequently arrested for violating Louisiana’s Separate Car Act. Continue reading...
Bomb threats at seven HBCUs force students to evacuate or shelter in place
Targeted historically Black colleges and universities spanned six states and DC as police warned that at least one had been ‘very real’At least seven historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) across the United States received back-to-back bomb threats this week, forcing students to evacuate or shelter in place while authorities investigated.The threats come amid a dramatic rise in bombings in the US and follow bomb threats at other US colleges last November. Continue reading...
The Guardian view on Trump’s mob, a year on: threats to democracy grow
On the anniversary of the US Capitol riot, the danger is not over. Republicans are stepping up their assault upon voters’ rights and essential institutionsThe threat to American democracy may be greater today than when the insurrectionist mob swept into the US Capitol one year ago, attempting to prevent the peaceful transfer of power following a free and fair election. Joe Biden is ensconced in the White House and with the passage of time, the shock of their lethal assault has faded. But if the danger appears less immediate, addressing it is no less urgent.We know more than we did a year ago about the full violence and menace of the riot, and about what preceded it – including the PowerPoint presentation turned over by Donald Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows, detailing ways to stage a coup. Rioters have been jailed, but so far no case has been brought against those who encouraged and incited them. Mr Trump himself has resurged, with a cult-like grip upon his party. He and his allies have longer to plan for this year’s midterms and 2024. State legislatures are constructing an election-stealing machine. In short: 6 January was not an end, but a beginning. Continue reading...
Seven children among 13 people dead in Philadelphia house fire
Dog saves day as ‘real-life Lassie’ leads rescuers to injured men after accident
German shepherd Tinsley led New Hampshire police to owner and passenger after truck crashed off highway in freezing conditionsNew Hampshire police officers were engaged in a low-speed dog-chase on a highway along the state’s border with Vermont when they discovered that a real-life Lassie was leading them to rescue two men thrown from a truck and suffering from hypothermia.The driver, Cam Laundry, 31, and his passenger, Justin Connors, 40, were found injured but alive on Monday thanks to Tinsley, Laundry’s canine companion. Another dog, Connors’ bulldog, was hit by a car and found dead on the side of the road after the accident. Continue reading...